Page 6 of Fight

Chapter Three

“Yes, of course, we have several rooms set up ready for guests.” Demelza starts as she stands up, “I can show you.”

Getting up myself and prompting the guys to do so, I say, “Thank you, we’d appreciate that.”

“I’m going to say goodnight too, guys. I have a feeling that now you’re all in town, things are going to be picking up even more.” Malory says as she walks over to the twins and hugs them both tightly.

I move away from them and over to Ace, wanting to give them a minute to themselves.

“Are you okay, Blue?” he asks me quietly, pulling me close.

“I think so. It’s a lot to take in, you know.” I mutter quietly.

“I know. I’m here if you need me. You know that.”

I smile and squeeze him tightly, “I know.”

“Alright, we’ll show you to your rooms. They’re all on the same floor,” Gerald says with his usual enthusiasm.

We follow Gerald up the vast staircase, and I have to say that I am so fucking pleased that it’s decorated somewhat typically. Like back home, there are a lot of antiques everywhere, possibly more, and there are paintings of people that I have a strange feeling might be related to me.

When we come to the first landing, Malory moves past us to head up another set of stairs to her room; Gerald says, “This floor is all guest rooms, they all have their own bathroom, pick whichever one you’d like, and we’ll discuss what the plan for the twin's father is and everything else that we need to discuss tomorrow over breakfast.”

“Got it,” I reply.

“Jynx, I am so incredibly sorry that I couldn’t tell you of our connection, but I want you to know that I am so incredibly proud of you and everything that you have achieved, and I hope that one day you can forgive me for deceiving you.”

Okay, that got me in the feels, and because of that, I reply honestly, “I’m mad that you lied to me, or more accurately concealed the truth, and it’s going to take me a little bit to work through that feeling and all the others that accompany it. But I understand why you did, and I most likely would’ve done the same or similar.” I smile at Gerald, “I’ve already forgiven you. I’ve just got to work through the feelings. You’ve been there for me from the very beginning, and that means more to me.”

Gerald’s eyes are filled with pride as he smiles gently and says, “I can understand that, and no matter what, I will always be here for you.”

I nod, those stupid emotions trying to make an appearance again. He smiles again and then walks down the hallway and up the second set of stairs, following Demelza and Malory.

The guys left us to talk and have all disappeared into the rooms on this floor. Since I have no idea who’s in what room and what rooms are empty, I decide to choose a random door and hope that one of my guys is in there because I need cuddles. Picking a dark wood door at random and pushing it open, I find the twins, who clearly decided that they didn’t want to be apart tonight, which is understandable considering the revelations this evening gave us.

Their smiles are happy as they turn to look at who came into the room, and I ask, “Do you guys mind if I stay with you? I don’t particularly want to stay on my own tonight.”

“Of course, we didn’t want to either,” Mase replies.

“Ace let us know that he’s calling down to the grandparents to let them know that everything is okay. We all thought it best considering there was quite a high chance that they would’ve stormed up here.” Malachi adds as he strips down to his boxers but puts his gun on the bedside table before getting into bed.

My eyes widen as I spin around to face them, my pants halfway down my legs, “Oh shit, yeah, I completely forgot to tell Gerald and Demelza about them.”

Mason shrugs as he gestures toward the bed, waiting for me to get in before he does, and doing the same as Mal, puts his gun on the bedside table and in easy reach. I quickly strip off my pants, leaving my shirt on because I’m still not completely comfortable here, and then grab one of my knives, climb up the bed, and put it under the pillow.

Once we’re all settled in bed, Mason replies to me, “We can tell them tomorrow, one day isn’t going to hurt, and besides that we got distracted by our sister, who we thought was dead turning up.”

Mal turns me so my back is facing him as he wraps his arm around my waist, and I throw my leg over Mason, putting my hand on his chest as he grabs hold of it and threads his fingers through mine.

“Are you two okay?” I ask, in the darkness of the room, wanting to check in with them and needing to know how they’re feeling.

“I’m really happy she’s alive, but in shock, I think. We spent all this time thinking she was gone.” Mal replies quietly.

Mason hums in agreement, “That’s exactly it, and now we’re going to have to get to know her again, and she’s going to have to get to know us, and I think shocked covers it the best.”

“That’s understandable,” I reply, not really knowing what to say but just hoping that they know that I’m here for them. “And your grandparents, too, you’ve had a double dose of it.”

“Yeah, that one I couldn’t have seen coming, and I mean, they all seem so normal considering they’ve been kept in a fucking basement. I know Silas had it kitted out, so it was basically an apartment, but still. It’s fucking crazy.” Malachi replies.