“Good. In my office, in the third locked cabinet on the top shelf, there is a poison already in syringes. That’s where you’ll find what you need,” Demelza tells her.
“Great, I’ll go and get it now,” Malory says as she leaves the room.
“Thank you, Demelza,” Rome says.
“No problem, all you have to do is inject him with it anywhere, and it will knock him out within a minute. I’ve always found that prisoners who are passed out are a lot more easy to handle and move, than ones that are a bit more lively.” She replies.
“You make a very good point,” Mal replies with a smile.
“We’ll give you a call when we’re on the way up to Rome’s place so that Mason Sr and Lillian can make themselves scarce while we bring him in,” Rome replies, just as Malory walks back in the room holding a capped syringe.
“Great, stay safe kids, and kick ass,” she replies and then promptly hangs up, reminding me of D and making me smile.
“Well, I’m glad that’s sorted now,” I say, feeling relieved that everyone knows what we need them to know now.
Everyone falls silent for a moment as we think about what we’re going to do and the preparations for it, and I take the opportunity to drink more coffee.
“Is it just me, or are you guys excited too?” Ace asks, practically bouncing on his toes. He hasn’t sat down yet this morning and seems to be the only one who isn’t tired.
“Is everyone armed?” Rome asks, completely ignoring Ace’s question, “And with plenty of weapons?”
Everyone quickly agrees that they are, but none of us are exactly hiding that we’re heavily armed since we don’t need to, we’re not going to be seen by anyone that would try and stop us, and cops simply don’t fucking exist here, which is something I suggest that the grandparents sort out as soon as possible.
Chapter Ten
“Alright, so we’re parking as close as we can without raising suspicion and then heading in on foot. We don’t have any way to communicate until after, so everyone just needs to stick to the plan. If something goes wrong, call Rome, and only Rome. His phone is the only one that will not be on silent, and he’s blocking all of his other numbers apart from ours. I’ve also installed something on his phone that will block any incoming calls from any number but ours because it would be just our luck if he got a call from someone trying to fucking sell him something.” Ace explains, finally stilling long enough that he can explain it all to us.
“That’s impressive,” Malory replies, “could you block the sales calls on my phone permanently?”
Ace chuckles, “Unfortunately not, although I am working on it, I just don’t have that much time to put into it since it's not as important as some of the other things I’m working on.”
“You are?” Rip asks curiously, clearly having as much knowledge about this as I do.
Ace shrugs, “Well, yeah. Are you guys ready to go?”
Rome looks around at us all, “Yeah, let’s go.”
I chug the last of my coffee and stand up, making sure that I’ve got my favorite guns with me and a couple of knives because when you need to enter somewhere stealthily, sometimes a well-thrown knife is the best choice of weapon, silent apart from the thud as the body hits the floor.
“Wait, are we just going to bring him back in one of the cars with us?” Malory suddenly asks as we step out of the back door and head toward where the cars are.
We decided to take two in the end because there was no point in all of us trying to cram into one when we really didn’t need to.
“That was the plan, we don’t have a van or anything, or we could chuck him in there,” Rome replies.
“I’m fairly sure I’ve seen a van in Demelza’s garage,” Malory said, “I should’ve suggested it yesterday, but I was too excited about going in to get him finally, and it didn’t even cross my mind about the after.”
“That’s okay. Let’s go and check it out,” I say, “where’s the garage? Shit, is it as well equipped as the one back home?”
Malory smiles as she changes direction, and we all follow her, moving quickly around the side of the house, “I have no idea, but she’s got a lot. Your grandmother loves her cars, so does your grandfather come to think of it, although he prefers his motorbikes.”
“Really? Motorbikes?” I ask, “I never knew that. I guess I’m going to have to get to know him as something other than just the guy who worked for my grandmother and isn’t at all surprised when I come in the door covered in someone else’s blood.”
“He’d like that. You’re all he’s talked about since he arrived, you and the others. He was so proud of all of you,” Malory replies, and then adds, “Here we are. This is the garage.”
“Wow, yeah, okay.” Rip whistles when he sees all of the cars, motorbikes, and vehicles that are in the garage that is easily twice the size of the one at home. It makes the one at home look tiny. This is a serious collection, and it kind of makes me hopeful that I'm going to get to keep the toys in the garage at home.
“She definitely has a thing for cars. Some of these are fucking awesome,” Ace mutters.