Page 18 of Fight

We, again, encounter no problems on the way back to the house, and it makes me think that Daniel is focusing all of his staff and energy on protecting his house, which is all very well, except there’s only going to be so long that he can defend it for before he has to leave or let someone in.

“Where are they going?” I ask as the car that Demelza is in takes a turning that I distinctly remember never taking.

“Fuck knows,” Mase replies as we follow it anyway.

“I hate to point out the obvious, but they’re in a car,” Ace says.

“Well done,” Rome replies sarcastically.

“No, you fucker, they came to Rome’s place in a car, and we know for sure that they can’t have come down the coast road.” Ace points out flipping Rome off in the process.

“Okay, I’ll give you that, you make a good point,” Rome agrees.

“So, they must have another access road up to the estate then,” Rip points out, no doubt trying to diffuse the brewing argument that we can all tell is about to start between Ace and Rome.

“Well, we’re going to find out.” Malachi says, “Although they could have told us before we went to Rome’s house earlier.”

“We still would’ve had to get the car at some point,” Rome replies.

This journey is definitely longer than taking the coastal road is, even with us having to walk down it to get the car, but it’s a whole lot safer and does mean that we don’t have to leave our car where it can be seen and potentially messed with, or risk having any of us falling into the choppy sea below because the coastal path has collapsed, none of us want to experience that or even a close call. I’d be really surprised if no one has ever gone off the edge of it since it’s so unsafe, and I wonder if my grandparents ever plan on fixing it up or if they’re just going to leave it to crumble away completely.

Chapter Seven

When we pull up through a distinctively more plain yet no less secure gate and arrive around the back of the extensive estate, it’s extremely impressive; whereas the front looked overgrown and like it had been abandoned for years, the back is well taken care of, beautiful and full of strategically placed wildflowers, fruit trees, and even some blossom trees. There’s a small track at the very edge, which is where we’re following the other car up, but other than that, it's absolutely beautiful and somewhere that I’m hoping I can hang out soon.

Especially when through the grove of fruit trees, I see the slight glimmer of glass, and I’m assuming it’s a greenhouse and that we might’ve been right back at the other house, and Demelza does grow her own ingredients for her poisons. We haven’t found a greenhouse back home, but then we haven’t really looked, and so far, we’ve only been out the back and haven’t checked the land on either side, although I would’ve thought that I would’ve noticed a greenhouse, they aren’t exactly small at least I’m assuming it wouldn’t be judging from the rough size that I can see of the one here.

When we pull up next to my grandmother’s car and get out, I can’t help but immediately ask her, “Is there a greenhouse back home?”

Demelza smiles, “You noticed that, huh?”

“Yeah, I sort of assumed that you grew some of your ingredients for your poisons in there?” I ask as I follow her up to the large back doors.

She smiles, “Yes, I do, and to answer your previous question, there’s no longer a greenhouse at your home. I had to have it dismantled and the plants brought here. Some of them are dangerous enough that merely breathing them in could kill you. I couldn’t risk you exploring and ending up hurt.”

“That makes sense. We’ve been exploring a lot, hence why we ended up here,” I grin as we walk into the kitchen, “could you teach me? I know that all of the families have specialties and that poisons are yours. I would love to learn; it fascinates me.”

Happiness fills her expression as she replies, “I would love to, although I do have to tell you that while the other families have one specialty, we have two.”

“Oh, what’s the second one?” I ask curiously.

“Acquiring,” her smile is sharp, “we’re incredibly good thieves, dear, and from what I’ve heard, that’s not something that you need any tutelage in.”

I chuckle, “No, I’d say that I’ve got that pretty much down to T at this point.”

“That’s my girl,” she replies, and then adds, “if we get a spare moment any time soon, I would love to teach you the basics, and then whenever you can, I will carry on teaching you the ways of our family. You know we don’t just make poisons; we also make healing remedies and that sort of thing.”

“Really? Herbal remedies have always interested me, and I’d love to learn about them almost as much as I’d love to learn about the poisons.”

“So much like your grandmother,” Gerald chuckles from behind as he and the guys head into the kitchen half of the room to grab drinks.

“I would be honored to teach you,” she says.

I have to admit that it's easy to think of her as my grandmother. She’s easy to talk to and get along with, and there’s just a feeling of kinship between us that I guess is because we’re family and is similar to the feeling that I have always felt with Gerald. He always felt like more than just a butler to me.

“Thank you. I’m looking forward to it. First, though, we need to have a look at these cameras and see if we can find an easy access point to get to Daniel.” I reply, wanting to get on with the job so that I can get to know my grandmother and my heritage a bit better.

“Sounds good. I can take you there now,” she says as we all grab our drinks and follow her out of the kitchen, “the security room is through here,” Demelza says as she leads us further into the house and down a long wood-lined corridor.