Page 75 of Fight

“Because he’s not here. He left about an hour ago and hasn’t come back. It looks like you’ve been stood up, girly. I think he’s a fool for standing you up, and if you still want some company, I’m more than happy to fill that void.” He offers.

I chuckle, as I hear growls in my ear coming from the guys, “Nah, I’m good, thanks. I think I’ll take it up with the prick that’s left me.”

He shrugs, “Suit yourself. Have you got a number that I can give to him for you?”

I raise my eyebrows, “Do you really think I’m that stupid?” I ask, “He obviously has my number, and I’m not going to be giving it to you.”

He chuckles and shrugs again, “It was worth a shot.”

“Sure it was,” I reply, and then turn on my heel and leave the hotel.

Chapter Twenty-Six

As soon as I get back in the van, I take my hat off again, I hate wearing them, but it’s necessary in those situations. If I really wanted to be smart, I would’ve dyed my hair a boring normal color by now so that I could become completely inconspicuous and blend with the crowd even more easily, but if the situation calls for it, I simply wear a wig instead, I love my blue hair too much ever to change it.

“That guy was a pervert,” Ace says as soon as I’m settled, and they have both thoroughly checked me over to make sure that I’m okay.

I chuckle, “He wasn’t so bad, pretty harmless. He was just trying his luck, and anyway he gave us the information that we needed. Harrison isn’t there, which means we should be able to intercept him before he heads inside, which will make clear up and everything so much easier.”

“Good point. If we can somehow lure him into the alley down the side of the hotel, that should give us ample opportunity to take him down as quickly and silently as we can, we can also call the cleaners as soon as we spot him, and then we won’t have to wait for them to arrive before we can leave.” Rip replies.

“I don’t like how exposed we are out here though, I think I’m going to try and see if any of these cameras are working and if they are, I’m going to put a loop of footage on, just in case. I’d rather be safe than sorry. The last thing we want is any kind of authorities sniffing around.” Ace adds, already having pulled out his laptop, which I didn’t even realise that he’d brought with him, although I’m not surprised that he did.

“Good idea,” I reply with a smile and then reach into my bag, pulling out some pretzels.

“You brought snacks?” Rip asks, sounding incredulous.

“Well yeah, we don’t know how long we’re going to be here for,” I reply like it’s a no-brainer. To be honest, I learned pretty quickly that these things are fucking boring and go a lot quicker if you have snacks.

“So we’re just watching and waiting then?” Rip asks.

I nod, and he sighs, reaching his hand for some snacks, which I’m happy to share; I brought enough for everyone.

“Oh, before I forget,” Ace starts, pulling his attention away from his laptop momentarily, “Carter replied to the NDA agreement and he’s agreed to work for us. The Ravens should keep him fairly busy, and I’ve let the tech team know that we now have safe access to a plane so we can take jobs further away; they’re compiling a list now.”

“Good, I’m glad that he’s on board, I like him, and he’s clearly got skills.” I reply, “Also, that was good thinking letting the tech team know about accepting jobs further away.”

“Thanks,” he replies before looking back at his laptop and adding, “This shouldn’t take me too long.”

“You got it,” Rip replies with a smile, and we fall silent.

After a while of watching, Ace resurfaces from his laptop to let us know that none of the cameras in the area are actually working, so at least we don’t have to worry about that. For the next few hours, we sit and wait for any sign of Harrison, it’s nearly midnight now, and he has to come back to sleep at some point.

The others have messaged once just to check in and make sure that we’re all okay, and even though I knew how boring stakeouts are, I had forgotten just how fucking much I hate them, and I hate them a lot. I’ve gotten to the point where I kind of wish I hadn’t volunteered myself for this job.

A sudden ringing snaps me out of my thoughts as it echoes around the quiet cab; I pull my phone out and look down at the screen, instantly frowning when I see that it's Harley calling.

I press answer and put it on speaker so the guys can hear, as I start to say, “Harley, we haven’t . . .”

“He’s here,” she whispers quietly, fear in her voice.

“What?” I ask for clarification as I sit up straighter and Rip starts the car, already turning us around and heading in the direction of the Conspiracy’s place.

“He’s here, and I can’t; he scares me, Jynx,” she answers me, her voice trembling.

“It’s going to be fine. We’re on our way, I promise. Are the guys with you?” I ask, keeping my voice calm so I don’t heighten her panic anymore.

“Yes,” she replies.