Rome’s smile is full of understanding, “I know, that’s why I suggested it.”
“Are you guys just going to come back here then?” I ask.
Malachi nods, “We may as well. The job really doesn’t need all of us to go, and we can get the shopping put away properly and start dinner, that sort of thing.”
“Good idea,” Mason agrees, “we’re only going to have enough time to put away the perishable stuff before we’ve got to head out.”
It’s at that point the buzzer on the gate goes off, and Rome strides out of the kitchen to check the monitor; calling out to us, he says, “It’s the food order. I’m buzzing them up. Everyone go and get ready, and we’ll leave to go to the Conspiracy’s place straight away.”
“Got it,” I say, rushing past him and smacking his ass on the way past, making him growl.
“Jynx,” he warns, and I stick my tongue out at him, knowing that he won't do anything about it now because I can see the truck coming up the driveway through the open front door.
“Just you wait,” he cautions, a heated twinkle in his eye.
“I hope that’s a promise,” I reply before turning on my heel and heading up the stairs to my room to get ready and arm up, one because I never go anywhere without being armed and two because if the opportunity presents itself later to take out Harrison, then I’m going to take it.
After I’m dressed, I find the others have already put away anything perishable and are just finishing up with the last couple of bits. I’m only going to get in the way if I try to help now, so instead, I move over to where Ace is tapping away on his laptop and look over his shoulder.
“I thought we found everything that we could on Harrison?” I ask, “Did you find something else?”
Ace glances up at me and then smiles as he turns back to the screen, not losing momentum in the slightest, which is damn impressive, “No, we’ve got everything we could possibly want to know about him,” he replies, and then adds, “I remembered late last night that we promised to send an NDA to Carter so that we could fill him in and see if he wanted to work exclusively for us and the Ravens.”
“Oh shit yeah, I completely forgot about that,” I reply. So much has happened since then that it had completely slipped my mind.
“It slipped mine too, until last night.” Ace replies, “Anyway, I sent it to him, and he’s just sent it back signed, so I’m sending him a kind of information sheet that I made up when it was first suggested. It gives him the basics without giving him any sensitive information in case he decides it's not for him.”
“Wow, that’s actually really smart,” I reply, kissing him on the cheek, “I figured we’d just sit down and have a conversation or something with him.”
“Yeah, we could, but we’re so busy all the time that finding the time to talk to him properly would’ve been next to impossible, so I thought that doing it this way would be easier, and we’d get round to it a lot quicker.” He explains.
“Are you guys ready to go?” Rip asks, and I look up to see that they finished putting away anything that could spoil if it's left out.
“One second,” Ace says, his fingers speeding up, and then he says, “Done. Let’s go.”
As we head out of the door, I say to Ace, “Let me know when you get a reply from Carter?”
“Of course.” He replies.
The car ride to the Conspiracy’s place is quick, and I end up singing along to the radio with Ace while the others just let out amused chuckles every now and then when we get particularly into the song and add dance moves as well. I swear that I catch Rip mouthing the words as well at one point, but I know for a fact that there’s no way that he’s going to admit to it.
“Hey guys,” Ridge greets us with a happy smile, “you guys all look a hell of a lot more relaxed.”
“Being home clearly suits you guys,” Colt grins and then adds, “Do you guys want something to drink?”
“Sure, whatever you have,” Rome replies, and those that want drinks ask for one as well.
“Where are the others?” Rip asks.
“In the front room, watching a movie. I have to admit that we’re kind of losing our minds being stuck here and not doing jobs.” Colt replies.
“Even though it’s only been a short amount of time,” Ridge adds, “it doesn’t help that creep is still out there and is a serious threat to Harley.”
“Don’t worry, we’ve got this,” I reply, trying to reassure him, “we should have him in the next two days at most.”
“Good,” Ridge replies, as he leads us into the front room, and Colt goes to grab some drinks.
Once we’ve said hello to everyone, Ace asks, “What are the codes for your system?”