Page 68 of Fight

Jynx decides to speak up, interrupting the grandparent's grand plans, “You guys know that we’ll come back regularly regardless, but we’ll enjoy searching for the heirloom vault.”

“Good, it’s settled then,” Dexter replies, looking excited at the prospect of planning a treasure hunt.

“Great, so what did you guys decide about how to help the town?” Rome asks.

“We’re going to go back into our original positions of power; that way, we can keep a better eye on the town and get everything back to how it was,” Ruth explains.

“Which means, as mayor again, I’m going to hold a town meeting for everyone, like we used to do. I’m hoping that some of the older members of this town remember what it was like before. We’ve already gotten back in contact with some of our old friends, and they’re all spreading the word. We should have this town back to normal in no time.” Dexter explains.

“That’s great.” Rip replies.

“If there’s anything that we can do, just let us know,” Jynx offers with a smile and then goes back to pulling faces at Harry and making him giggle.

“You kids have already done so much for this town and for us, and we will forever be grateful,” Francis tells us sincerely.

“It was about time that we came back to sort out the mess that our parents had made of it. I’m just damn glad that we found you guys as well,” Ace replies honestly.

“Us too,” Cecil replies, lifting his glass and prompting everyone else to do the same.

“Although your parent's mistakes were never your responsibility,” Ruth adds seriously.

“Maybe not, but we felt the need to fix them because we may be the only ones that were truly capable of ending it,” Rome tells them, and everyone shares a look before the subject gets changed onto something happier.

Chapter Twenty-Four


The rest of the evening is spent in the same fashion, with the grandparents slowly leaving and heading back to their homes with heartfelt goodbyes and promises to keep in touch even though we’re coming back in two weeks for Malory’s graduation, and then we’ll be back as often as we can after that. To visit and because Ace wants to find the heirloom vault, and I’m not going to lie, but I’m really looking forward to seeing what’s inside. I know that if we asked them, they’d tell us, but I agree with Ace it's more fun this way.

Gerald and Demelza follow us back to the house, and as we walk into the kitchen, Demelza asks, “What time are you thinking about heading back tomorrow?”

“Probably first thing, we’ve got a long drive back, and we’ve got that other issue that we need to sort straight away,” Rome replies.

“In that case, care for a hot chocolate since we aren’t going to see you for a while?” Gerald asks.

“Sure, I could go for a hot chocolate,” Jynx replies with a smile, and that’s the decision made for all of us. We will always follow her lead.

It’s not long until we’re all sitting down around the table, hot chocolates warming our hands and the conversation flowing lightly.

“Do you mind if we borrow Jynx for a moment?” Gerald asks.

The guys and I share a look before finishing off the last bits of our drinks and then getting up as Rip replies, “Of course. It’s getting late, and we must pack before heading out tomorrow anyway.”


Once the guys have left, and I feel increasingly grateful that I’ve just been dumping everything back into my bag and haven’t really unpacked anything, I turn to look at my grandparents, feeling slightly nervous about what they want to talk to me about.

“Is everything okay?” I ask.

“Yes,” Gerald smiles gently from across the table, and it suddenly hits me that I’m really going to miss him.

“We just wanted to say how proud we are of you and everything that you have achieved,” my Grandmother starts. “I know that probably doesn’t mean a lot coming from me, especially since you don’t know me that well, but I wanted you to know all the same.”

I reach across the table and grasp both of their hands, “You’re wrong; it means a hell of a lot, and I’m looking forward to visiting regularly and getting to know you better,” my gaze switches to Gerald, “and getting to know you as my grandfather and not my butler. Which always felt weird anyway.”

Gerald chuckles, “Us too. Promise that you’ll stay in touch? We want regular phone calls, even if they can only be five minutes long. We want to hear from you.”

I nod, “I can do that.”