Page 66 of Fight

My smile is deadly as I reply, “Oh I am going to enjoy taking this fucker out.”

“I thought you’d feel that way,” Harley grins, giving me one last hug before she gets in the car, and they all drive away.

“I take it the grandparents are getting impatient, and they want to know how everything went?” Rome asks Ace.

“Yeah, they are, but before we head over, I just want to quickly set a search going for this Harrison fucker. I want him taken out as quickly as fucking possible, and it will give us a jump start on locating where he’s staying and the easiest way to take him out,” Ace replies.

“Good idea. I need to change my shirt quickly; this one has blood on it,” I reply.

“I’ll let the grandparents know that we’re heading over to debrief and give them a heads up that we need to head back tomorrow because something has come up,” Ace adds.

Mase frowns, “Why not just tell them when we’re there?”

As we head back into the house, Rip answers, clearly realising where Ace’s mind is going, “Because there’s always so much going on when we’re all around the grandparents, and it’ll give them a chance to get used to the idea that we’re going so quickly.”

“Yeah, okay, that’s a good point,” Mason replies with understanding and a smile.

“Ace, how long are you going to need to set up the search?” Rome asks.

“Five minutes, maybe,” Ace replies, already tapping away on his laptop.

“Great, Jynx go and get changed, and we’ll meet you down by the SUV in five,” Rome tells me.

I nod, “You got it.”

It actually takes about ten minutes in all to get us on the road, but Ace is confident that he’ll be able to find out all the information we need on Harrison and where he is so that we can take him down before he can hurt Harley.

Just before we get to Rome’s house and the grandparents, Malachi’s phone starts to ring, and we all look at him curiously because we’re nosey fuckers.


Ichuckle as everyone looks at me, I’d accuse them of being nosey, but I know that I do the same thing, so it would be hypocritical if I did. To ease their curiosity, tell them, “It’s Malory. She knew the job was going down today and most likely has already heard from the grandparents that we’re leaving tomorrow.”

“It wouldn’t surprise me.” Rome chuckles.

“Hey, Malory,” I say as I answer the phone and then add because I’m suddenly nervous, “is everything okay?”

“Isn’t that supposed to be my line? You guys have just pulled off a dangerous job again,” Malory replies.

“Good point. We’re all good though. It went as smoothly as we could’ve hoped, and the town is now safe. You shouldn’t get any more bother from the smugglers or the buyer. The buyer actually offered to help protect the town, should we need it.” I explain to her.

“Wow, you guys really are good. Why did the buyer suddenly do a one-eighty? That’s not usual behavior for these sorts of people,” she asks curiously.

“That would be thanks to Jynx; actually, we told you she was well connected,” I tell her without giving too much away and really only telling her what we’ve already shared.

She whistles as she replies, “I’ll fucking say, that kind of influence is more than just a little bit connected,” when I don’t confirm or deny anything else, she lets out a small chuckle and then changes the subject, “so you guys are leaving tomorrow?”

This time it's my turn to chuckle, “Yeah, we’ve got to get back because we’ve got another job we need to do. I’m not surprised that the other grandparents have already told you. Are you going to make it back before we go?”

“No, even if I leave right now, I’m not going to make it in time.” She replies, disappointment in her voice.

“When are you graduating?” I ask, getting a curious look from the others.

“In about two weeks.”

“Well, I’m sure we can come back in two weeks and celebrate you graduating and getting the normal life that you want,” I reply, and the others in the car nod in agreement.

“That sounds good to me. Put Mase on so I can say goodbye,” she adds, and I hand the phone over to him.