“We haven’t taken him out, one because we respected Harley’s wishes even if we didn’t necessarily agree with them and two because we never had the chance with everything that was going on with the Ravens and Treyton, if he’d found out that we’d gone after her ex and that he was linked to Harley then that could’ve put her in danger and none of us were going to risk that,” Fox adds to the explanation.
Chapter Twenty-Three
“That makes sense,” Rome replies, “I probably would’ve handled it the same way.”
I meet Harley’s gaze, my expression grim as I ask her, “I’m going to take care of this, and I can promise you that you will never have to see him again, but I need to know exactly what you want from me in this situation?”
Everyone in the room falls silent as the meaning behind my words sinks in, I can either do this the kind of legal way, or I can take him out. Considering how dangerous he is, I know which one I’d prefer to do, but I will leave the decision up to her.
She sighs, but her eyes fill with determination, “We looked into him just before we came here, well actually, Reign from the tech team did. You’re going to really like her; she’s fucking awesome, anyway, she looked into him for me, and he’s done some really fucked up shit. He’s been after fifteen-year-olds, and he’s hurt a lot of people. He’s currently running the bad side of shit in my hometown but terrifying the locals; he’s fucking vile.”
“So, you’re requiring my more specialized services then?” I clarify because I need to. The last thing I want to do is assume and get it fucking wrong.
Harley nods, “Yes.”
“Got it,” I reply. “As I said before, we’ll probably be here for a couple of days max, and then we’re heading back, and I’ll get started on your case. You are in danger currently, though, and I don’t fucking like it, so until further notice, you are all on lockdown at your place, no one in or out that you are not one hundred percent sure of their identity, and that includes food delivery or any kind of fucking delivery. You will stay fucking safe, got it?”
“Got it,” Asher agrees for them all, his smile sharp but triumphant. “If you need any help at all, just let us know.”
“I will,” I reply, knowing full well that this is going to be something that I’m going to handle by myself. This is what I’m best at doing.
Harley stands up and pulls me into her arms, muttering, “When I knew it was just me, I could handle it, you know, but once I realised he was terrorizing young girls and fuck knows what else, I just couldn’t.”
Squeezing her tightly, I reply, “One, never is it just you, Harley. I would’ve taken him down if you were his only victim, you are family, and he is a monster. Two, I’ll take care of him; you just stay with your men.”
“They’re not,” she starts, and I pull back so I can smirk at her, raising my eyebrow, and she bursts out laughing before she adds, “Yeah, I can do that.”
“Do we want to know what has you girls laughing like that?” Ace asks as the tension in the room breaks.
I shrug, “Probably not.”
“Alright, so is that everything taken care of now?” Rome asks, looking around at everyone.
“We’re all good,” Nash grins, seeming a hell of a lot more relaxed than he was mere moments ago.
“Great, we’ve got to go and tie up one of those loose ends that we were talking about,” Ace adds, glancing down at his phone and giving me a look that I’m guessing is because the grandparents are getting impatient.
“If it’s okay with you, I think we’re going to take off,” Asher says, glancing around at the others to see if they’re all in agreement.
“Yeah, of course. I’d actually prefer it now that we know that Harley’s life is under threat. If I’d known that before you came, I would’ve insisted that you stay at home!” I tell them, a worried lilt to my voice.
“She’s right. If he’s as big a threat as he seems to be, then you need to be at home where you can protect yourselves properly and have proper security.” Rome agrees.
The Conspiracy’s faces are grim; they all understand the situation and how serious it is, but there’s also a layer of relief underneath it all because now it’s going to be taken care of once and for all.
“Don’t worry, we’re heading straight home, and we won’t leave until we get word from you guys that it’s safe to do so,” Lorcan replies as he stands up.
“Good. I want updates every half an hour on the way back, and I want to know when you get home. Then I want regular updates while you’re at home. Any suspicious people or incidents, random cameras going down, anything like that, we want to know immediately.” Rome adds.
“Got it,” Sawyer replies as they all get up, and we start to say goodbye.
“We’ll let you know as soon as we’re heading back. It will most likely be tomorrow,” Rip adds as they head up the stairs to get their bags.
Once they’re back down and we’re walking them to the car, Ace asks, “What’s his name so I can start looking into him and a photo if you have one so I can see if we can find out where he’s staying in town?”
I was so focused on what needed to be done to take the fucker out that I had completely forgotten about getting his name and the research we’d have to do to find him. I’m glad Ace is on the ball.
“His name is Harrison Garby, and I’ll send you a photo through in a minute. He also likes to go by Hartley Garby; he liked it when our names were similar.” Harley explains.