Page 43 of Fight

“No action movies. It's too much like work, and I want to switch off completely.” He replies with a grin.

“Done,” Ace replies this time, “I agree with you. I think a comedy is in order.”

Dinner is a noisy and happy affair that just makes me once again feel so grateful for them and these small moments of normalcy that we manage to find in our hectic lives. After we’ve tidied everything from dinner away and the kitchen is looking as spotless as it was, the guys go into the main front room to choose a movie, and by that, I mean to argue for a while about it while I stay in the kitchen to call Sawyer.

“Hey, how’s everything going back there?” I ask as soon as he picks up, which is on the first ring.

He chuckles, “Everything is good; the Ravens are running smoothly. Everyone is either on a job or taking a break, as is mandatory now, and we’ve got jobs flowing in, so many, in fact, that we’re having to turn them down or warn them that it’s going to be a while before we’re going to be able to get to them.”

“Wow, okay. That’s brilliant news. Our reputation is already growing enough that we can pick and choose the jobs that we do,” I reply, thoroughly impressed and feeling ridiculously proud as well. The Ravens may be small now, but that clearly isn’t affecting our performance or reputation. If anything, it’s made it a lot better.

“Yeah, I’m damn proud of us,” Sawyer replies, and it's easy to hear the pride in his voice.

“What about any of the Ex Ravens, any of them causing any trouble elsewhere?” I ask, as it’s something that I’m concerned about and know that we need to be aware of.

“No, everyone is staying pretty quiet, but the tech team is keeping an extremely close eye on them. If one of them makes any move against us, we’ll know, and we’ll be able to deal with it swiftly.” He replies, his voice filled with steel.

“Great. I’ve got D on the lookout for any trouble from them as well since, for now, he currently has more reach than we do. I reply and add, “You’re doing an amazing job. We wouldn’t have been able to come and deal with this if it weren’t for you and the Conspiracy being so capable of handling things back home.”

“Thanks,” he replies and then adds, “Speaking of, how is everything going where you are? Do you need us for anything? You know that we’re more than happy to come and help. We’re actually on day two of our rest days, and we’re bored as shit.”

I burst out laughing, loving the honesty as I reply, “Actually, we do need you. I can’t really explain over the phone, but as always, it's dangerous.”

“Thank fuck for that. Our last job was far too mundane and boring, and I thought Harley was going to start a fight at one point just to spice things up a bit.” He replies, sounding genuinely relieved that I have a dangerous job for them.

It shocks another laugh out of me as I reply, “You know, I think this is why our teams get on so well. We both feel the same and would rather be in danger than bored.”

“Definitely,” Sawyer agrees and then adds, “We can be there tomorrow. I mean, I don’t know where you are, but I’m assuming that we could drive it and be there by tomorrow.”

“Whoa, hold up. I need you to make sure everything is running smoothly there for the next few days, and everyone is where they should be. We need you in five days' time, the issue won't be until the sixth day, arrive the day before, and we can go over the job and everything it entails and then catch up for a bit before the job the next day.” I explain.

“Sounds good to me, boss,” Sawyer replies, knowing it weirds me out when he calls me boss even though that’s technically what I am.

“Great, I’ll get Ace to send you an encrypted message with our location and make sure you come with lots of weapons. I have a feeling that we’re going to need them.”

“You got it,” Sawyer replies, “the others are going to love this.”

I grin, “And that’s how I know that you guys will always have our backs just like we’ll always have yours.”

“Definitely.” He replies firmly.

“Oh, before I forget, how’re the dogs and Murphy?”

From the amusement in Sawyer’s voice, I’m guessing they, or more likely Murphy, have been up to shit while we’ve been gone, no doubt in protest of Ace leaving him behind, despite the fact that it was the best thing for him and he would’ve hated it.

“Well, the dogs are fine; they’ve pretty much got free reign of the entire place. Fox has had to bath them several times now because they keep coming back soaking wet from the river and then covered in mud too,” Sawyer starts to explain and I chuckle, my amusement heightening as he gets to Murphy, “And Murphy, well, he’s fine most of the time, we’ve even gotten cuddles but he’s worked out that Ridge hates small rodents, like really hates them. So he’s now bringing mice to Ridge all the time and leaving them in all sorts of places. His bed, his boot, the freaking shower, none of us know how he did that one.”

By the time he’s finished, I am in fits of giggles because it sounds like the exact thing that Murph would do, and I can just picture it. “Why doesn’t Ridge just make sure that Murph can’t get in his place?”

Sawyer sighs, “That’s what I said, but apparently, he tried that, and Murphy howled outside of his window until he opened it. He gives Ridge loads of cuddles but, for some reason, insists on giving him mice too.”

“Well, they say cats do that if they think you’re not getting enough food and can’t provide for yourself,” I reply.

Sawyer bursts out laughing, “Have you seen the guy? He’s fucking huge; out of all of us, he by far eats the most.”

I chuckle again, “Alright, in that case, he’s just being an ass. Tell Ridge Murphy clearly loves him in his assholish way and that he’s just going to have to accept it at this point.”

“I think he’s already come to that conclusion; instead of freaking out and calling one of us every time that he gets a present from Murphy, he’s now just dealing with it himself, albeit with giant rubber gloves and some hand grabbers so he doesn’t actually have to touch it. It’s hilarious,” Sawyer replies.