“Yeah, I should be able to, now that he’s agreed to help. I never contact him directly in case he’s on a job and because it’s better if we don’t have too much contact considering what he does,” I explain, as I hand my phone to Rome, “it’s probably easier if you just type it in and send it.”
“Got it.” Rome says and as he types he adds, “Mase, go and get Malory, she wanted to be involved in the extraction and she needs to know what's happening.”
“On it,” Mal replies, striding from the room.
A few moments later, Rome hands me back the phone, and Mase walks back in with an excited looking Malory. She may not want to be involved in this world anymore, but judging from her excitement now, I think she’s going to find it more challenging than she thought to give it up.
“We’re raiding Daniel’s place tomorrow.” I tell her with a grin, “Judging from the cameras, he has a lot of people guarding him, so this is going to get dangerous and bloody.”
“You look incredibly pleased about that,” Malory points out.
“So do you,” I reply, and her smile widens.
“Good point,” she replies, “I can’t wait to get rid of that fucker, and my last job should go out with a bang.”
Rome chuckles and then fills her in on what the plan is. When he gets to the actual extraction part, I chime in.
“As you can understand, I need to keep the identity of my contacts private, so I’m going to ask that you don’t accompany us to that bit,” I ask, not knowing how she’s going to react to my request but hoping that she’s going to understand.
She nods, her expression serious, “Yes, of course, I can understand that completely. You don’t want to compromise them or spook them with an unknown.”
“Thank you,” I reply, “I’ll take a picture of him in cuffs in the back, something that won’t compromise anything else.”
Malory’s expression lightens, “Thank you. I just want to know for certain that he’s definitely going to go away and won’t be able to hurt me or the twins or the town ever again. Silas may have been the one who was behind the worst of it, but my father reveled in it. He loved the fear that just walking through the town could cause and used it to his advantage regularly. He was the worst kind of bully because he had power too. There was no one there that was going to stop him from doing what he wanted; no one could.”
“I’ll make sure you get the picture, and I can also get you updates for when he’s officially behind bars and not just traveling there,” I tell her, understanding entirely her need to make sure that he’s definitely behind bars and can no longer cause any harm.
“Thank you,” she replies, and then adds, “You’d better fill the grandparents in. They will be mad as hell if you don’t.”
“Oh shit yeah,” Ace exclaims, “wait, I’m not sure it’s a good idea to tell them now; Demelza said that they were going to Rome’s for drinks.”
“Oh yeah, good point. We’ll tell them first thing in the morning, or at least if we can’t get through to anyone because they’re all massively hungover, we can leave a message and head over there to fill everyone in when we’re done.” Rome suggests.
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
Mason frowns, “They need to pick up really, because if this all goes smoothly, then we will have a couple of hours before Jynx’s contact is going to meet us. That means that we’re going to have to store him in the cells under Rome’s house if we want to make sure that he remains secure and everything goes to plan.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” I reply and then add, “Well, let’s hope that they get the message in the morning. Otherwise, they’re going to get one hell of a shock.”
Ace chuckles, “I kind of dread to think what my grandfather would do hungover if we surprised him with a prisoner.”
Malory laughs, “Dude, judging from how he was putting them back earlier. He's still going to be drunk.”
“Good point,” Ace smirks.
“We need to let them know as well because your grandparents might not want to have anything to do with this, and they can stay away in the house somewhere while we deal with it,” Rip says, looking at the siblings.
“Yeah, you’re right. They need to be prepared even if they do want to be involved. It wouldn’t be right to suddenly spring his appearance on them without warning,” I reply.
“Are you guys all going to be okay?” Rome checks with siblings.
They share a look as Malachi replies for all of them, “We’re going to be fine. None of us feel any loyalty or anything other than hatred for him.”
“Good. I’m glad that’s sorted,” Rome smiles. “I just had to check.”
“Alright, if we’re heading out at first light, then I need to head to bed. I’m getting old; I need more sleep than you youngsters,” Malory announces, standing up.
“Night, Malory,” Mal and Mase say together.