I start to head toward the front door when Rip catches my hand and turns me back around, “The cars are parked around the back.”
“I knew that,” I reply sassily.
“Sure you did,” Rip chuckles.
“Hey, I’m just really looking forward to clean clothes. I don’t even want to think about how many days it’s been since I changed my clothes.” I grimace.
“Yeah, I don’t want to either,” Rome replies this time.
“We’ve been leaving the house more often than I’d really like, and if Daniel isn’t as stupid as he’s making out and he’s got people on the lookout, then we’re going to end up with the element of surprise taken away from us,” Mason points out.
“He’s right. At the moment, Daniel is hunkered down because he thinks that the person who killed Silas and, as far as he’s aware, some of the other parents are going to come for him next. He has no idea that we’re here or that we’re the ones that are coming for him, and we need to keep it that way.” Malachi agrees.
“Well, this should be the last time that we need to leave until we go to get him,” Rome replies as we get back into our car and head through the back roads to Ace’s place.
I like that none of us even suggested splitting up. We all know that we’re still in danger and that until we take out Daniel, we’re not going to be safe, and even then, we won’t be one-hundred percent safe until the smuggling ring is taken care of as well. So, until then, until this town is secure and we can go home, back to the Ravens, and doing jobs for D, until then, we stick together. I’m not risking one of us being taken and used for leverage. That’s just not something that any of us will be happy risking.
Thankfully the trip to Ace’s place is quick, and he smiles happily when he realises that all the lights in the house are on and the staff is clearly as happy as he is that they’re no longer being kept off all the time. We inform the staff member Rebecca that we’ve found somewhere else to stay and to keep us updated if she hears anything from the other houses courtesy of the staff, which she happily agrees to while assuring him she will look after the house as one of the only staff members who didn’t take advantage of the paid vacation that was offered.
“Ithought Rome said that you guys trained dogs?” Jynx asks me as we arrive back to the Hawthorne estate.
“We did,” I reply, “I imagine that when things got even more dangerous, they didn’t have the time to train them anymore.”
“Oh, do you think your Grandparents will bring back that tradition?” She asks.
“Definitely,” I smile, “I distinctively remember how much they loved them, and my grandfather is the one who trained me and taught me how to train the dogs.”
“Good, I’m glad. I feel like far too much was lost when your parents took over and consequently fucked up so badly,” she adds.
“They did, and I’m hoping that our grandparents can still fix it,” Rome replies as we get out of the car and head back inside.
“I hope so because I would have no idea where to start to put this place back together and gain the trust of the locals again,” Rip replies.
“No, that’s completely out of our skill set,” Mase replies, heading straight for the stairs. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take a long shower and then revel in the fact that I can put on clean clothes and not smell like a dumpster fire any longer.”
His words make me laugh.
“Speaking of fire, I think I might burn my clothes,” Mal mutters as he lifts his arm and sniffs before grimacing.
“Me too,” Jynx agrees as we get to the stairs and all split up to go into the rooms that we went into last night.
“Maybe we should add them to the bonfire the grandparents are having,” Mason suggests, and I chuckle as I head with Jynx further down the hallway.
Before I can separate off into my room though, Jynx grabs my hand and asks, “Want to shower with me, you know, conserve water and all that?”
My dick twitches as I pull her close and mutter, “I always want to shower with you, Blue, but I’m not sure you can use the excuse that you want to conserve water.”
She shrugs, “Maybe not, but it gets me what I want.”
My body heats as I pull her even closer to me so she can feel my dick straining against my pants and begging for her. Then leaning forward, I rub my nose up her jawline to her ear and nip her neck before kissing it softly. “Oh, and what is it that you want?”
She moans under her breath before she clears her throat and replies, “Well, first, I want to shower because although I showered this morning, I had to put dirty clothes on. That just makes me feel dirty.”
I chuckle as I step back and lead her to the room that I used last night. I reply, “Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I feel gross, but I’ve been trying not to think about it.”
“Of course, after I’m clean, I then want you,” she adds as she starts to strip, heading straight for the door to the bathroom.