‘You’re welcome. More than welcome.’

‘So, are you all set then?’

‘Yep. I think so. Well, there’s no going back now, is there? So I’ve kind of got to be.’

‘You’ll have a great time out there.’

‘I hope so. I’m really looking forward to it. I’m looking forward to catching up with that side of my family again. Although it’s not really catching up, is it? Not after fifteen years! It’ll be more like getting to know them all over again. I keep worrying that they’ll not like me or we won’t get on for some reason, and then I’ll be stuck there for three months with almost complete strangers who I don’t really want to spend any time with, let alone be staying in their house with them.’

‘It’ll be fine. You’ll be fine. And it’s not like you don’t know them at all. You’ve been skyping for ages.’

‘I know, but it’s not the same, is it? What if they don’t really want me staying with them? What if they just feel like they should have me?’

‘Nowyou’reworrying over nothing. They wouldn’t have offered if they didn’t want you staying at theirs. Weren’ttheythe ones who said you should go over to visit in the first place?’


‘There you go then.’

‘I know. I know. I’m just being silly, aren’t I?’

‘Yes, you are. It’ll be an adventure.’

‘I hope so. It’s just such a long way. I mean, I never thought for a million years that I’d be swanning over to the other side of the world to go and stay with people I hardly know and work out on their ranch.’

‘It’ll be amazing. You’ve always wanted to go to Australia and now you not only get to do that but you get to work with horses too. You’ll be in your element! Stop worrying and enjoy it.’

‘You’re right. I will. I’ve just got a few hours to kill. It’s the waiting around that’s making me doubt myself. I wish you were here already.’

‘I’m sorry.’

‘No, no, don’t be. I’ll be OK.’

‘Why don’t you go for a stroll along the beach or something? Try to keep your mind off it?’

‘Umm, I might do. Although I’m not sure what shift Nick is volunteering on.’

‘Won’t he be at work?’

‘No, he takes Monday’s off because he usually covers one day over the weekend.’

‘Can’t you just go for a walk in the other direction? You don’t have to go past the lifeboat station if you don’t want to, surely? Plus, if there hasn’t been a call-out he’d still be at home, wouldn’t he? I thought they only went out if there was a call-out?’

‘Umm sometimes, but sometimes they hang around the station or patrol the beaches in case they’re needed. Especially during the summer season. I can’t wait to not have to try to avoid him any more.’

‘I think this time away will do you good. Hopefully, you can just put him out of your head and then when you get back you won’t have to worry about running into him or not because you won’t care any more.’

‘Hopefully. It’s been so difficult these past few months. It takes all my strength just to forget about him, and then when I do manage to think of something else or go on a date with another guy, he just pops up, right there in front of me.’

‘It must be really difficult living so close to him.’

‘It is. It really is. Anyway, enough about me. How’s your love life going? It’s got to be better than mine, surely?’

‘My love life? What’s that?’ Jenny swallowed. ‘No, I’m really not interested in getting involved with anyone anytime soon, thank you very much. Grace keeps me busy. I don’t need any distractions.’

‘You’re still hoping Anthony will want to get back together, aren’t you?’

Twisting the loose thread around her index finger. Jenny pulled. It wasn’t budging. ‘No, he’s happy with this Annie. I’m just dreading when Grace has to meet her…’