Mack wrapped his arm around her shoulders. ‘Now, though, even with the aroma of animal poop surrounding us, I’m more than happy.’

Poppy grinned. ‘Same here.’

Closing her eyes, she listened to the crackle of the fire and the occasional whimper or yawn as one of the dogs stirred. It certainly wasn’t the Christmas Eve she’d imagined, but it couldn’t have turned out better. She looked across at Mack, his head leaning against the sofa cushions, his eyes closed. Yes, this was pretty perfect.


‘Thank you again, Chris. You’re literally a lifesaver.’ As he shook his hand, Mack also patted Chris on the back.

‘Yes, thank you for rescuing us from Mr Thomas’s and bringing us all here.’ Poppy nodded towards the dogs now being led into Wagging Tails by Percy and Alex and hugged him. ‘And Merry Christmas.’

‘No worries. Just glad I could help.’ Chris looked down at his watch and indicated his tractor behind him. ‘Right, I’d best get going. I don’t want to miss Elsie’s Christmas dinner at the bakery.’

‘Thank you again, lovely.’ Flora waved before pulling Poppy and Mack in for a hug. ‘Don’t you two do that to me again. I’ve been up all night fretting over you both.’

‘We won’t.’ Poppy hugged her back, glad to be home. ‘I’m guessing you arranged the rescue?’

‘Yes, well, I knew you’d have got stranded there after not hearing back from you. I also knew Chris had a tractor at the farm animal sanctuary.’ She shifted on her crutches. ‘And being as I didn’t have the phone number of the farmer who has taken over for Mr Thomas, I couldn’t think of who else to turn to.’

‘Well, thank you.’ Poppy smiled. ‘It’s good to be back.’

‘Yes, it really is. I’m going to have to run, though.’ Mack held up his mobile. ‘Mrs Moreton has messaged. Gus and Spencer are waiting until I’m back to open their presents. She found where I’d hidden them and set them out early this morning.’

‘Oh, you must rush, then. Off you go.’ Flora rubbed his forearm. ‘You’ll all come for Christmas dinner though, won’t you? The boys too and Mrs Moreton, of course.’

‘Well, being as I wasn’t home to do the meal prep last night, that would be amazing…’

‘Oi! Is that the only reason you want to come for dinner?’ Poppy tried to keep a straight face. ‘Just to eat? Not to spend some time on Christmas Day with me?’

Grinning, Mack shrugged. ‘It depends on how good the Yorkshire puds are, I guess.’

Opening her mouth in mock shock, Poppy laughed. ‘Fair enough.’

Mack stepped forward and pulled Poppy in for a hug before kissing her on the forehead. ‘Of course, to spend time with you.’

Poppy smiled and kissed him on the lips.

‘Happy to eat any of your leftover Yorkshires, though.’

‘Ha ha, you’ll be lucky.’

Poppy watched as he walked across to his car.

‘A perfect match, if ever I saw one,’ Flora said, linking arms with Poppy as they waved him off.

‘Secret Santa time!’ Alex called from the open door. ‘Come on, you two. Everyone else is ready.’

‘Right, you heard him, Secret Santa.’ Tapping Poppy’s arm, Flora spun them around before leading the way inside.

‘Oh, yes, Secret Santa.’ Where had she put her gift? ‘I think I’ve left mine over in the cottage.’

‘I’ve already brought it over and popped it in the kitchen.’ Flora grinned.

‘Come on through and grab a seat. Susan’s made hot chocolate in the slow cooker.’ Alex held the kitchen door open, ushering them both inside.

‘Merry Christmas, Poppy,’ Susan said, pulling her in for a hug before turning back to the slow cooker.

Slipping into the chair between Aunt Flora and Ginny, Poppy gratefully took the steaming mug of hot chocolate offered to her.