‘Oh, lovely. I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed yourself.’ Flora touched her on the forearm.

‘Me too. I can’t believe that just a few weeks ago I was stuck in that house miserable with Ben, and now…’ She held her arms out, as if to encompass Wagging Tails, Flora, Mack, the boys, everyone. ‘It’s funny how quickly things can change.’

‘It sure is. It really is.’

‘Thank you for letting me come down and stay.’ Poppy wiped a happy tear from her eye.

‘Don’t be daft.’ Flora batted Poppy’s thanks away. ‘It should be me thanking you for coming. Now stop before you make me start.’ Chuckling, she swiped at her eyes with her gloved hand.

‘Right, we’re off now.’ Susan and Malcolm walked towards them. ‘We’ll see you for Christmas dinner tomorrow.’ Stepping forward, Susan drew first Flora in for a hug and then Poppy.

‘Thank you both for coming and helping.’ Flora grinned.

‘It’s been a wonderful evening. The true height of the Christmas spirit.’ Malcolm twisted his Christmas bow tie back into position and raised his hand. ‘Merry Christmas.’

‘Merry Christmas.’ Susan waved as they turned and left.

‘Flora! Flora! Where’s Flora?’ Alex’s voice was panicked as he ran out of the reception into the courtyard, the cordless reception phone in his hand.

‘Over here, lovely.’ Flora waved.

When he’d ran over to them, Alex stopped to catch his breath. ‘It’s Mr Thomas. Paige has just rung. He’s been taken into hospital. He’s okay, but the dogs are alone.’

‘Oh dear, oh dear. And his cats too, I presume?’ Flora shifted position.

‘No, he agreed to let them be rehomed earlier in the day, apparently.’ Alex shook his head.

‘Okay, okay.’ Flora pinched the bridge of her nose.

‘I’ll go and get them,’ Poppy offered. After all, she’d finished all her tasks taking the bins out.

‘What’s going on? Where are you going?’ Mack reached them, concern etched across his face.

‘Mr Thomas has been taken into hospital, so I’m going to drive up and pick up the remaining dogs.’

‘I’ll come too then.’ Mack nodded.

‘What about Gus and Spencer?’ Poppy looked across the courtyard. Percy and the boys were securing the rope to the newly built sledge.

‘They’ll be happy playing in the snow with their new sledge for a bit before going back home with Mrs Moreton. If that’s okay with you?’ Mack turned to Flora.

‘Of course it is, lovely, but only if you’re sure?’ Flora rubbed his arm.

‘Yes, I’m sure. It makes sense. If any of them need medical attention, I’ll be there to help.’

‘Okay, thank you. Both of you.’ Flora grimaced. ‘I’m afraid the van will need jump-starting before you leave.’

‘No, it won’t. Percy bought a new battery and installed it.’ Alex pulled the van keys from his coat pocket and passed them to Poppy.

‘Oh, really?’ Flora looked from Alex and then towards Percy.

‘Right, I’ll go and clear the snow off the van while you tell the boys what’s happening.’ Poppy walked away.

‘You both be careful in this snow, won’t you?’ Flora called after them.


Leaning forward, Poppy flicked the wipers to full power as she squinted out of the windscreen.