Poppy nodded as she turned on the urns.

‘And Gus and little Spencer?’

‘Yes, but we haven’t told them we’re seeing each other yet.’ The urn wasn’t turning on. Poppy frowned and clicked the ‘on’ switch again.

‘That’s good then. It means there’s no pressure on you both.’

‘No, we both think it’s for the best.’ Rolling her eyes at herself, she noticed the plug wasn’t in. ‘This way we can all get to know each other and then tell them when the time’s right.’

They both turned at a new voice in the room. ‘Evening.’

Poppy grinned as Mack walked in, followed by Gus and Spencer and an older woman.

Mack introduced everybody, including the woman – his neighbour Mrs Moreton.

‘So lovely to meet you all.’ Poppy waved before pulling out some takeaway cups. ‘Who fancies a hot chocolate?’

‘Yes, please,’ Gus said, taking some gum out of his mouth.

‘How about you, Spencer?’

‘Yes, please, but can I have it more milky?’ The boy looked behind him. ‘And can we turn the music up, please? Mack likes this one.’

Poppy grinned. ‘Does he?’

Mack seemed to like every Christmas song going.

‘I tell you what, boys,’ Susan said. ‘Why don’t we go and set the radio up outside? That way, when everyone starts to arrive for the carols, they’ll be able to hear the music.’ And after their enthusiastic grins, she unwrapped the last of the trays of mince pies and led the way out of the kitchen, followed by Mrs Moreton who offered to take the two hot chocolates, now made, with her.

Poppy waited until Mrs Moreton had shut the door behind her before stepping towards Mack. ‘I’ve got to ask; are there any Christmas songs youdon’tlike?’

‘Umm…’ Mack tilted his head before looking at her. ‘No, probably not.’

‘I didn’t think there would be.’ Poppy laughed. ‘Although, to be fair, most of them are quite catchy.’

Mack grinned as he tucked her hair behind her ear. ‘Are you starting to enjoy Christmas now?’

Poppy shrugged and laughed. ‘Maybe.’ It was true, with family and friends around, maybe there was a little magic in the air. ‘I’m looking forward to this, anyway.’ She nodded towards the door.

‘Me too.’

* * *

Holding the printed song sheet in her hand, Poppy grinned. Mack was standing on one side of her, Ginny and Darryl on the other and Aunt Flora was sitting on a chair in front of the group, Percy by her side. The glow from the fairy lights illuminated the courtyard as a fresh flurry of snow settled, the perfect backdrop for the carol singing.

She didn’t remember ever singing in a choir. Apart from one fateful occasion during a school play in primary school, a time she’d much prefer to forget. She’d fallen head first down the stairs leading from the stage and twisted her ankle.

‘Are you okay?’ Mack whispered in her ear.

‘Yes.’ Poppy nodded. ‘I was just thinking how nice this all is.’

She looked around the crowd of people singing beneath the Christmas tree. Lots of people had made it from West Par and a few from Trestow too. Mr Euston was standing at the front with his dog, Gray, and Nick had brought along his partner, Gabby. Elsie from the bakery in Penworth Bay and Ian were singing at the top of their lungs somewhere too. If this was what Christmas was supposed to be like – coming together to celebrate – then, yes, she was okay. More than okay.

As the song ended, the snowfall grew heavier, large flakes dipping and diving on the breeze around them. A large cheer swept through the crowd as people held their hands out to catch the snowflakes and small children ran across the courtyard, chasing them as they danced their way to the ground.

As another song began, Poppy noticed Percy leaning across to whisper something in Flora’s ear before slipping away from the group. She frowned. Where had he gone to?

The snow was even heavier now, quickly covering the branches of the tree – the perfect Christmas Eve.