‘When you’re a vet, like him, time is money. He’s just trying to protect his little family, his brothers.’

Poppy nodded. ‘I guess so. But he’s happy to spend his money on expensive things. Things he doesn’t need.’

‘Yes, but they’re one-offs. If he were to sign up to help us free of charge, where would it stop? We might have dogs in which could potentially cost him thousands. Him spending his money on extravagant things is just that, things. If he got into bother with money somehow, he could stop spending out on them or sell them to raise money. Helping out a charity is completely different. It’s a commitment. Besides, it’s not just the money for the vet bills we’ve lost. If it had only been that, we would have coped. One of our sponsors has pulled out. Their business is struggling and they’ve had to cut all the corners they can just to be able to pay the staff.’

‘What? When did this happen? Why didn’t you say anything?’

‘A couple of months ago now. I kept it to myself because I knew you’d worry. That you’d all worry.’ Flora fussed Dougal behind the ears. ‘Besides I had it under control.’

Poppy sighed. ‘You didn’t.’ If she’d known the debts weren’t all down to now having to pay the vet bills, she wouldn’t have held Mack as accountable as she had. She’d been so awful to him.

Poppy looked down at her hands. Standing up from the arm of the sofa, she sat back down next to Flora and held her hands over her face. ‘I’ve been so horrible to him, haven’t I?’

‘No, you haven’t, lovely. Nothing of the sort. You’ve just reacted to what’s been put in front of you. The facts you had at the time.’

‘What do I do now?’

‘Well, I’d ask you how you feel about him, but it’s pretty clear to everyone what he means to you, so I’d pop over and pay him a visit. See if you can sort things out.’

Poppy nodded. Yes, she had to. She needed to set things straight. Even though she couldn’t expect him to forgive her, she could apologise. She could try.


‘Next please?’

Poppy stepped towards the reception desk. ‘Hi, Kerry.’

‘Poppy, isn’t it? From Wagging Tails. Who do you have with you?’ Kerry looked down at her computer screen. ‘I wasn’t aware we were seeing any of your dogs today.’

‘I’m here to see Mack. For just a moment.’ She held her thumb and forefinger a centimetre apart.

Kerry leaned over the counter to look at the floor, checking to see if she had a dog with her. ‘You’re on your own. Where’s the patient?’

‘There isn’t one. I just need to see Mack. I need to have a quick word with him. Please?’ Poppy tucked her hair behind her ear. ‘It’ll only take five minutes. One minute. Whatever you can spare. Please?’

‘I’m afraid even for animal care advice, you need to have made an appointment.’

‘But… I only need a couple of minutes.’

‘As much as I’d love to let you through, I’d have a riot on my hands if I did.’ Kerry indicated the waiting room; two women were chatting amongst themselves whilst stopping every so often to coo into cat carrier; and a man scrolled on his mobile, his dog lying at his feet. The only person who seemed to be aware of the time was a man typing hurriedly into a laptop propped on his knee and he seemed to be busy trying to finish something before his appointment. Besides, his dog seemed happy enough staring and tormenting the cat in the carrier.

‘But…’ Poppy blinked back the tears which had been threatening to fall ever since Flora had explained everything. She just needed to see him. Whether he forgave her or not, she needed to apologise, tell him she understood.

‘Look, the best I can do for you is to let the vet know you’re here after his last appointment.’ Kerry held her hands up, palms forward.

Glancing at the clock, Poppy sighed. It was only three. She’d have to wait at least three hours until the surgery closed.

‘We’re closing early today. At four. Mack has an important personal appointment to attend.’ Kerry glanced behind Poppy and pointed her pen. ‘If you’re waiting, please take a seat. I have people with animals to book in.’

‘Right, yes. Thanks.’ Nodding, Poppy walked towards the far end of the waiting room and sat down on one of the hard plastic chairs. Then she’d wait.

* * *

‘He’ll be coming through in a moment.’ Kerry nodded towards Poppy as she shrugged into her coat, turned off the Christmas music which had been playing and dimmed the waiting room lights.

‘Thank you.’ Standing up, Poppy moved and sat on the chair closest to the treatment room.

‘You’re welcome.’