‘My pleasure. Just glad to hear she’s on the mend. And lovely to properly meet you.’ Paige hugged her.
‘And you. Did you want a coffee?’ She indicated the kitchen door.
‘No, I’d better not. Thank you though. I’ve just popped by to give Flora this. I went to the cottage, but there was no answer.’ Paige held up a gold gate link charm bracelet. ‘Me and Pat found it in the ambulance. I’m sure it’s Flora’s?’
‘Yes, it is. Thank you.’ Poppy took the bracelet and ran the pad of her forefinger over it. ‘Uncle Arthur gave it to her on their wedding day.’
‘Oh wow, glad to be able to reunite her with it then.’
Poppy looked down at the bracelet and smiled. Flora would be relieved to have it back.
‘How’s your day been then?’ Ginny leaned her elbows on the counter just as the bell above the door tinkled again and a blast of cold air entered the room.
She recognised that voice. She kept her head bowed, pretending to be transfixed by the bracelet in her hand.
‘Mack, hi.’ Ginny nodded at him.
‘Hi, Paige. Hi, Ginny. Poppy.’ Mack’s voice was quiet, unsure.
‘Oh, Paige, come on through and I’ll get you that coffee now.’ Ginny’s voice was forcibly bright as she ushered Paige through to the kitchen.
‘Right, of course. Thanks, I’m parched.’
Poppy knew what they were doing. She knew Ginny hadn’t suddenly forgotten that Paige had declined the offer of a coffee. She closed her eyes for a moment. There was no way out of this situation, was there?
Then she looked across at him, her heart sinking as she watched him shift on his feet. They’d been so good together.
‘Poppy, please, just let me explain.’ He cleared his throat. ‘How’s Flora today?’
‘As fine as she can be after having surgery on a broken leg.’
Mack winced. ‘I feel so guilty. I understand why you blame me, but I never, ever intended anything like this to happen. I never once thought…’
‘Whether you intended anything or not, you as good as pulled that jump lead from beneath her.’ Poppy’s voice was low. She watched as his face fell. She was right. She was. So why did she feel guilty telling him so? She’d been too harsh. He’d never intended any of this. No one could have foreseen what had happened, but she could still feel the anger inside her bubbling up. Rightly or wrongly.
‘I…’ Mack reached behind him and rubbed his neck. ‘I didn’t know about the debt. I didn’t realise what was going on. I’m sorry. I didn’t think my decisions would have such an effect on Wagging Tails. On Flora.’
‘Didn’t you? What did you expect then? You know Wagging Tails is a charity.’
‘I know. I know. You were right yesterday. I’ve made a lot of wrong choices regarding the money I’ve spent. Maybe I should have done more to help but I’ve always had to be so careful with money and even now I struggle to…’
‘Be kind? To make the right choices. You’re happy to spend your cash on ridiculously expensive cars and presents but you can’t bring yourself to give a couple of hours of your time up to a charity?’
‘No, no.’ His jaw flinched, his voice cracking as he spoke. ‘Is that what you think of me?’
‘I don’t even know what to think any more, if I’m honest.’ She didn’t. She just didn’t understand him, his motives, anything. How could he act like the kindest man in the world, only to be so callous and selfish when it came to money? She shook her head. That wasn’t fair. He wasn’t selfish or callous, just… ‘I have to go and get Flora her lunch.’
And with that, she scooped Dougal up and walked outside.
‘Oh, Poppy. What a lovely idea. Thank you so much for bringing Dougal over.’ Flora pushed her empty lunch plate across the coffee table and patted her lap for him to jump up.
‘I thought you might like some company. Do you want to keep him over here for the afternoon? He gets so upset in his kennel.’
‘I’d love him over here.’ She turned to Dougal. ‘Are you going to keep me company, yes?’