Grinning, Mack tore the wrapping paper off revealing a small stuffed reindeer toy.
‘Aw, that’s cute. And look, they both have the same beady eyes and wide smiles.’ She held the snow globe up next to the teddy.
‘They sure do.’
Poppy looked up at the Christmas tree. Baubles of every size and colour decorated its branches, as well as miniature stars, sleighs and reindeer, each one hanging from a short golden thread. Then she glanced back across to the ice rink. People were still skating, some travelling so fast across the ice that their scarves flew behind them whilst some wore Santa or elf hats, others were just content to make their way slowly around the rink, revelling in the sights of the fairy lights and Christmas trees.
‘It’s beautiful, isn’t it?’ Mack stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, and kissed her on top of her head, his breath tickling her scalp.
‘Yes, it is.’ As she leaned back against his chest, Poppy smiled. She could almost feel a little of that Christmas joy he kept talking about. Not that she’d admit it. Not just yet.
‘So, how was your date last night?’ Ginny prised the tennis ball from Oscar’s mouth and threw it across the paddock, watching as his small frame ran after it.
‘Go on, you can chase it too.’ Poppy nodded towards Alfie, who was sitting at her feet.
He glanced up at her before turning and running after the ball, although Oscar had already grabbed it in his mouth and was bounding back to them. Halfway back down the paddock, Oscar skidded in the snow, the balling rolling from his mouth, and Alfie quickly took the opportunity to take it whilst he could.
‘Honestly? It was amazing. We went ice skating and then hung around the ice rink for a while. There were stalls and Christmas trees.’ She smiled. ‘It was really lovely. Definitely the best proper first date I’ve been on.’
‘That does sound lovely.’ After throwing the ball again, Ginny gave her a warm smile. ‘I’m so pleased it’s finally working out for you two.’
‘Me too.’ It was chilly out and Poppy stamped her feet, wriggling her toes to try to keep them warm. The ground was still covered in a blanket of white even though it hadn’t snowed since the early hours.
‘Oh, I know what I was going to ask you.’ Ginny picked up a frisbee from the ground and threw it, watching it spin in the air, Oscar close behind, his fluffy ears bouncing as he ran. ‘I went to order a new battery for the van this morning, but the payment wouldn’t go through.’
‘Was that on the charity debit card?’
‘Yes, but I know Flora mentioned there was some problem or other with it. Do you know if she’s managed to sort it out or if the bank is sending her a new one or anything?’
‘I’m not sure. Sorry.’ Poppy shook her head. Flora had said she’d ring them, but whether she’d got round to it or not, she had no idea.
‘No worries. I’ll ask her when I see her next.’ Ginny took the frisbee from Oscar and the ball from Alfie and threw them both together. The two small dogs glanced at each other as if confused what to do.
‘They’re not sure which one to follow.’ Poppy laughed.
Ginny shook her head and grinned as they both bounded after the ball, Oscar weaving in front of Alfie to take it at the last moment. Stunned, Alfie sniffed around and picked up the frisbee.
‘Good jobs, you two.’
‘Ginny! Poppy!’
Turning around, Poppy saw Alex running through the bottom paddock towards them. As soon as he reached the gate, he doubled over, taking in deep breaths.
‘I don’t think in all my time here I’ve ever seen you run quite so fast.’ Ginny laughed. ‘Not even after a dog.’
‘No, no.’ Catching his breath, Alex straightened his back, panic etched over his face. ‘It’s Flora.’
‘What? What’s happened?’ Poppy ran towards him.
‘She fell, tripped. Susan thinks she may have broken her leg. I’ve been searching for you both. An ambulance is on its way.’
‘Oh no.’ Poppy clasped her hands over her mouth, the lead she was holding clipping against her cheek. ‘Where? Where is she?’
‘Down in the courtyard.’ Alex pulled open the gate and held his hand out. ‘You both go. Give me the leads and I’ll take these two in.’
‘Right, yes.’ Ginny gave him Oscar’s lead before prising Alfie’s from Poppy’s hand and handing that over too. ‘Come on, Poppy.’