Yes, she’d have loved to introduce him to the joys of ice skating, but above all she wanted to spend time with him. She didn’t really mind what they did.

‘You do know we don’t have to go ice skating, don’t you? We can walk straight back out of here and go to the cinema instead, if you like? Or just go for a walk? I don’t mind as long as we get to spend some time together.’

Holding the edge of the bench, Mack looked back across the ice rink.

‘Nope. Let’s have a go, but I apologise in advance if I fall on you and break your leg.’

‘Ha ha, that won’t happen. Besides, if it does, you’ll be the one cleaning out kennels for six weeks.’ Laughing, she stood up, balancing on the thin blades of her skates, and held out her hands for him. ‘Are you sure you want to try?’

‘Yes, I’m sure.’ He grinned. ‘Besides, the idea of having to spend six weeks scooping dog poop from the kennels is motive enough for me to be careful, so I think we’ll be okay.’

‘Oi! That shouldn’t be the reason you don’t want me to end up breaking a leg.’

Grinning, Mack began taking small steps towards the edge of the rink, towards her.

Poppy looked down at the ice to the side of them. ‘Ready?’

‘One question, how am I even supposed to balance on these things?’ He lifted his leg, indicating the blades. ‘Let alone balance enough to move.’

‘You will. I’ll show you how to.’ Taking his hands again, she nodded at the rink behind her. ‘Shall we? Are you ready?’

‘As ready as I’ll ever be.’

‘Mack, are you sure you want to do this?’

Meeting her eyes, he nodded. ‘One hundred per cent.’

‘Okay, great. Then, do you trust me?’

‘Again, one hundred per cent.’

‘Aw, really?’ She widened her eyes.

‘Yes.’ Mack chuckled. ‘Of course I do.’

‘Great. Just step onto the ice first.’ Poppy watched as he did as she’d instructed. ‘Did you ever roller-skate when you were younger?’

‘Oh yes, I was a whizz at the roller disco.’

She laughed. ‘In that case, this will be a breeze. Just pretend you’re roller-skating.’

‘On ice?’ He grimaced. ‘Rock solid hard ice.’

‘You roller-skated on wooden floors, I’m guessing, so you’ll be fine.’ She grinned. ‘Glide your feet out, one at a time. Just like you would if you were roller-skating.’

She watched as he pushed his feet out, one at a time, and began to glide forwards. Meeting his eyes, she skated backwards a little, her hands still in his.

‘I’m doing it!’ But when he looked down at his feet, he wobbled.

‘Don’t look down. Look at me. Look me in the eye.’ Skating backwards a little faster now, Poppy smiled. ‘Want to try on your own now?’

‘On my own?’ Mack’s eyes widened.

‘I mean, I’ll hold your hand and skate next to you?’ she suggested.

‘Right.’ Relief flooded his face. ‘Yes, I like that idea better than you skating off and leaving me to fend for myself.’

Poppy shook her head and got into position next to him. ‘As if I’d do that.’