‘You’re very welcome, love.’ He passed Oscar’s lead back to her.

‘Wow, you’ve grown so much, Gray, sweetie.’ Bending down, Poppy fussed Mr Euston’s small dog, tickling his tummy as he rolled onto his back.

‘He sure has. He must have been just a pup when you last saw him? He’s still as daft as he was then.’

Standing up, she wrapped Alfie and Oscar’s leads around her wrists, making sure to keep Oscar’s short. ‘That’s right. I’m pretty sure I remember you having to carry him on the way back from walks. He’d just stop and sit down.’

Smiling, Mr Euston chuckled. ‘Oh, that sounds about right. Luckily for me and my back, he loves his walks now. If anything, it’s him pulling me on the way home. Talking of which, I’d better get going or he’ll be telling me off as it’s nearly the young master’s dinner time.’

‘Lovely to see you both again,’ she said, letting Alfie and Oscar have one last fuss from Mr Euston before they headed off.

‘You too, Poppy, love. Have a good rest of your holiday down here.’ He held his hand up and waved.

Poppy glanced down at Alfie and Oscar before looking ahead towards the lane down to the cove. ‘On your best behaviour now please, Oscar, as I don’t think there’ll be anyone else at the beach to rescue me if you tie me up again, not in this weather.’ She shuddered against the wind, wishing for the twentieth time since stepping outside that she’d remembered her hat, scarf and gloves.

As they reached the beach, Oscar bounded ahead, oblivious of the fact that the cobbles had quickly turned to sand. Alfie, on the other hand, was a little more wary and, much to the annoyance of Oscar, held back, a little reluctant.

‘It’s okay, Alfie, sweetie. It’s just sand. It’s not going to hurt you.’ Fussing him behind the ears, she encouraged him one step at a time until he was a little more confident with the change underpaw. ‘That’s it. Clever boy, Alfie.’

Once the dogs were happily running around the beach, Poppy looked out to the sea, watching as a small fishing boat was thrown from side to side. She swallowed. She didn’t mind being on the ocean – she’d enjoyed the trips out to see the seals when she’d been younger – but she definitely wasn’t brave enough to venture out there on a day like this.

The ping of a text message sounded through her pocket and, swapping both leads to one hand, she pulled out her phone.

Not sure if you’ve seen on social media but Ben is now in a relationship. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but thought it best to let you know before he told you. Melissa xxx

Ben was in a relationship? An actual relationship? Since when? He’d told her he was going on a date but that had only been, what, two weeks ago? If that? Yes, it must have been. She’d finished her supply contract at the beginning of December, and it was still almost two weeks until Christmas.

Squinting at the screen, she reread the message. Did anyone actually declare being in a relationship after two measly weeks?

Sinking to the sand, she straightened out her legs and looked out to sea; the waves being washed upshore, further and further with the tide. She felt Alfie’s head flop onto her knee at about the same time as Oscar’s lead pulled taut, and he came trotting back to see what the delay was.

‘Oscar, come here. Have a bit of a rest.’ To her surprise, he sunk to the sand and laid his head on her other knee, almost a mirror image of Alfie’s position. ‘Thank you.’

Closing her eyes, she focused on the sound of the rushing waves as they crept further up the beach.

Two weeks ago, Ben had gone on that date. Someone from work, he’d said. She knew he wasn’t a cheater. She knew he wouldn’t have been seeing this woman behind her back and if he was dating her whilst Poppy had still been living there, living their separate lives under one roof, she knew he’d have been honest and told her upfront.

Yes, he would have told her, which led to one conclusion and one conclusion only – that he’d fallen head over heels for this woman. That Poppy had been easily replaceable, not irreplaceable as she’d hoped.

Taking a deep breath, she stood up, trying to shake the thought away. What had Flora said? This could be a fresh start, down here. It wasn’t too late for her to turn things around. She just had to focus on herself and rebuilding her life and let Ben do the same. Yes, it was a shock he’d seemingly moved on so quickly but maybe this would be the complete, definite closure she needed.

‘Ready to head back now? It’ll be your dinner time soon.’

Clutching the leads, she retraced her steps back to Wagging Tails.

It was fine, she told herself. It really was fine. She wanted Ben to be happy. It was good he’d found someone else. Good that he’d moved on so easily.

She swiped the back of her hand across her eyes. Just fine. Absolutely.


‘Sorry.’ Poppy took Flora’s handkerchief and wiped her eyes and her cheeks. ‘I don’t even know why I’m crying. It was a mutual decision. He’s a free man. He’s allowed to find someone else. I want him to find someone else. I’m glad he has.’

Flora pulled out the chair next to her and sat down, clasping her hands on the table. ‘It’s a big change. A shock to the system, even if you know it was for the best. And to find out he’s got into another relationship so soon…’

‘Exactly.’ Poppy nodded before blowing her nose. ‘It shows that he hasn’t felt anything for me for ages, years probably. If he can just jump straight into something serious so quickly.’

‘You don’t know that’s the case.’