Poppy watched as Kerry wrapped her scarf around her neck and stepped out into the cold. He would be coming out any second now. She looked down at her trainers. Was she ready? After almost an hour and a half of waiting, she was still no closer to knowing what exactly she was going to say to him.

She stood up and walked to the window. Kerry’s car had left now, leaving only Mack’s and Flora’s in the otherwise empty car park. It was almost pitch black already. Strange to think a few short weeks ago, it would still be light at this time of the afternoon.


Turning on her heels, she looked towards him.

‘Sorry, I didn’t know you were waiting. I would have come out sooner.’

Kerry hadn’t told him? She understood it wouldn’t have been right of Kerry to let her through to speak to him in front of his patients but she’d assumed she would have mentioned she’d been waiting. She blinked. It didn’t matter now. He was here, in front of her.

‘What can I do for you? Is Dougal okay? The other dogs?’ He furrowed his brow.

‘Yes, yes, they’re fine. All fine. It’s me. I wanted to see you. To apologise.’ She glanced at the floor.

Mack indicated the chairs. ‘Shall we?’

Nodding, Poppy sat down, the hard plastic immediately cutting into the back of her knees.

‘You have nothing to apologise for. I do.’

She looked up at him as he sat, placed his rucksack on the floor by his feet and draped his coat over his knees.

‘You don’t. Flora’s just told me that one of the home’s sponsors pulled out a while back. The home had money troubles before you’d even taken over Gavin’s business.’

‘I do. Even if the sponsor had pulled out, I could have lessened the impact. Not added to it. You were right. I as good as put Flora in that hospital.’ He leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. ‘I did that.’

‘No, no, you didn’t. I should never have blamed you. That’s why I’m here. To apologise.’

‘No, you’re right. I was selfish. If Flora hadn’t been worrying about money, then she would have changed the battery. She wouldn’t have needed to jump-start the van.’

‘I spoke to her. She wasn’t worried about the money. She was distracted thinking about Mr Thomas and his animals. She didn’t trip because she was worried about the debt. She’d already decided to remortgage or sell the cottage and buy a caravan by then.’ Poppy shifted on the chair. ‘And she also said she would have eked out the battery as long as she could have, whether she’d had the money to replace it or not.’

‘She was going to sell her home? Because of the vet bills?’ Leaning forward, Mack rested his elbows on his knees and dipped his head.

‘Flora told me about your past. About what happened after Gus and Spencer were left with you.’ She laid her hand on his back. ‘She told me about you losing your home.’

Mack rubbed the palm of his hand across his face. ‘That’s no excuse. I should understand more than anyone then, shouldn’t I? How precious money is?’

‘No, you were looking out for your brothers. I understand why you felt you couldn’t keep Gavin’s agreement going.’

‘You do? Because from where I’m sitting now, I don’t. I’ve been selfish.’ He took a deep breath. ‘I guess I just can’t seem to move past that fear of having nothing, of struggling to provide for Gus and Spencer. I need to learn that things have changed now, that I can afford to give up some of my time. Just as Gavin did.’

Poppy tucked her finger under his chin, gently turning his head towards her. ‘Can you forgive me for blaming you? For speaking to you the way I did?’

Mack gave her a quick, small smile. ‘Can you forgiveme?’

Nodding, she looked away and took a deep breath before meeting his gaze once more. ‘I really feel something for you, Mack.’

‘Same here.’ He nodded. ‘May I?’ He placed his hand at the nape of her neck, his skin warm against hers.

She leaned towards him, until their lips touched…

Mack’s mobile pinged, piercing the silence, and he pulled away. He looked at it and frowned.

‘I’m so sorry, I’m going to have to go.’

He ran his fingers through his hair, the lines between his eyes deepening. Sighing, he leaned his head back against the wall. He’d said he had to go but it was clearly not an appointment he was looking forward to.