Page 232 of Court of Claws

Trembling, she nodded.

“What the devil do you mean by giving her tips for cutting my throat...” The other man said hotly.

Angel cut him off. The gentleman was unmannerly. No reason not to interrupt.

“I suggest you pay your ladybird and go on your way, sir.” He chose a gentler term than the commonly used one.

The lady let out a little gasp. Surprised a knight had come to her rescue, he supposed.

“Payher?” The man curled his lip into a cruel smirk.

“Pay her what’s owed. No argument. Pay up.” Angel turned back to the woman. “I’ll see that it’s done. Won’t leave you alone here. No need for that knife now. May as well put it away.”

He spoke gently, reassuringly, as he would to a timid horse. Wouldn’t do to scare her. She seemed scared enough as it was.

Slowly the woman lowered her shaking arm.

“Damn your eyes,” the man snarled. “Get off the bloody bridge and be on your way. This is the last time I’ll tell you.”

“Or what?”

The other man sneered. “Or what?”

“Or what will happen?” Angel looked him up and down. “Military training, see? Noble, yes. Soft, no. Served my country. Lots of spare time in the army. Lots of waiting. Nothing to do but hit each other. Decent boxer. Fair right hook. Not afraid to use it.”

“Are you threatening me, sir?”

“Don’t look surprised. Not like it’s the first time tonight, is it? Besides you started it. Don’t have a knife. Rather be punched then stabbed, wouldn’t you?”

The man gnashed his teeth. “You, sir, are an utter idiot.”

“Not the first time someone’s said so,” Angel said cheerfully. “Might be true, sometimes am. Not always the brightest in the room. Not always the dimmest either. Might be surprised.”

He looked reflectively at the other man. “Not sure you’re in any position to judge intelligence, come to think of it. About to be stabbed by a doxy. Think you had better go. Lady?” He looked at her.

She nodded slowly.

“Lady thinks you should go, too.” He remembered. “Pay her first, mind you.”

“Devil take you! You and your bloody penchant for interference. If I were not in a mind for subtlety this evening, I would...”

“Yes, what would you?” Angel was rather eager now, his blood hot both from the residual effects of the mead and the anticipation of knocking some teeth out.

The man ignored him, turning to the woman. “This is not over, you understand. You have merely been granted a little more time.”

“The devil is a gentleman. If thou hast no name to be known by, let us call thee devil.” Angel grinned.

Might have mixed up his Shakespeare. Two different plays. Still, same meaning. Went well together. Even drunk, he remembered his lessons. Always liked a good soliloquy.

“What the devil are you going on about now, you ass.”

“Yes, devil. Devil indeed. Has no name, but looks a devil. Well, Angel’s here now. Best be off with you, devil. No rest for the wicked they say. Might not sleep well. Not my concern. Better leave now, devil. ‘Tis what the lady wants. Am I right, mi’lady?”

He could hear himself babbling. He looked at the woman. She opened her mouth then closed it again. Not a Shakespeare admirer? Pity.

“You bloody bedlamite. You really have no idea of who you’re dealing with, do you?”

Angel looked at the hooded figure. The words seemed like nonsense.