Page 21 of Court of Claws

Hawl gave a snort. “Not many in these parts either. We’re called Ursidaur. Some call us Bearkins.”

I was fairly sure Kaye still had a stuffed bear named Bearkin that he liked to sleep with sometimes. I decided not to volunteer this information.

“How fascinating,” I said, as politely as I could. “And are there many Ursidaur in the Umbral Flames court?”

Hawl made a sound that might have been a laugh or a growl. “You’re looking at the only one.”

“Do you like living here?” I asked cautiously, wondering how much information Hawl might be willing to share.

Another ambiguous grunt. “It’s all right.”

“And do you usually cook for the prince?”

This time Hawl did seem amused. “Does having a bear cook for you bother you?”

“No, not at all,” I said in surprise.

“Good. Because I was the only one willing.”

“Oh. I see. Because I’m not Siabra, you mean?”

Hawl gave a snort. “Something like that.”

For an instant, I wondered if Draven could possibly be the reason. Were the other Siabra...afraid of him?

“Someone’s knocking.”

I quirked my eyebrows. “Hmm?”

“Someone is knocking,” Hawl said again, more impatiently this time. “In the foyer. Someone is at the door. Probably looking for you.”

“I don’t hear anything,” I replied.

“Humans,” Hawl muttered. “Well, they’re there whether you hear them or not. Ursidaur have exceptional hearing.”

“That makes sense,” I said, grabbing another pastry. “I’ll go and see who it is. It was very nice to meet you.”

But the Bearkin was already turning back to the counter and picking up their knife again.

“I really doubt Draven would knock,” I muttered to myself as I strode back through the dining room. “Knock the door down, yes. Knock politely, no.”

I reached the foyer. Sure enough, there was a tapping sound. It was coming from the door I hadn’t been able to open.

I marched over. It wasn’t as if I could unlock it for whoever was out there on the other side.

“Yes?” I called, feeling more than a little ridiculous. “Who is it?”

The door opened.

Two people stood outside in a hallway. A young man and a woman. I could immediately tell they were Siabra.

Their coloring was different from the part-fae I was used to seeing back in Eskira. In fact, looking at them and thinking of Draven, I was beginning to realize how easily I stood out. If the Valtain fae were known for their enchanting beauty and vibrancy of hair and skin, then the Siabra were a contrast, yes. But by no means an unattractive one. Indeed, the more Siabra I saw, the more I realized the temple depiction had not done them justice. Their appearance was more wild, more untamed. Their coloring more earthy rather than vivid. No less beautiful. But beautiful in a stark and even fiercer way.

“Good day, Lady Morgan,” the young man chirped cheerfully. “We’re your new bodyguards.”

“My what?” I stared at them as the young man gave me a winsome smile. He reminded me of Galahad immediately though he was clearly a few years older, with a slender, more athletic frame and darker skin. The young man radiated a warm and friendly demeanor. I studied his attire. He wore a forest green doublet adorned with embroidered leaves and paired with dark russet trousers. Soft-looking moss-colored slippers covered delicate cloven-shaped hooved feet, like those of a deer.

The woman next to him was more severe in appearance. She possessed a warrior's build with broad shoulders and a muscular physique. Her gruff expression contrasted sharply with the young man's. Her dark skin was a rich, radiant brown. She possessed fine, delicate features but her face was lined with scars, some fresh, some old and faded. Her hair was long and styled into many small braids, all swept back and twisted into a heavy knot that seemed both practical and elegant. Two formidable-looking blades were strapped to her back. The hilts were wrapped in worn leather, suggesting the weapons were regularly used in actual combat and not simply there to look impressive.