Page 160 of Court of Claws


Acreature of nightmaresstood before Draven.

Clad in tattered, threadbare garments that draped from bony shoulders, elongated hands tipped with razor-sharp claws twitched in eager anticipation as the creature held them clasped in front of themselves, as if in a silent prayer.

A thin veil of pallid white skin covered a hairless, eyeless skull.

Thin lips stretched into a sinister grin, exposing four rows of serrated, needle-like teeth.

Wisps of black smoke curled from its nostrils, carrying the scent of unnatural decay.

I leaned forward where I stood at the railing. My forehead once again collided sharply with the invisible barrier making a loud smacking noise.

Some of the Siabra further down covered their mouths to hide laughter.

I glared at them, rubbing my head.

“You'll never learn, will you?” Odessa looked almost amused.

“Hush,” I said crossly. “I do it because I care.”

“You care too much. Spare your forehead. He's not going to die at the very first trial.”

“It's not the first trial. It’s the second and it’s not fair that there are three trials in a single trial in the first place,” I snapped loudly, not caring who heard me.

“It’s the first trial of the second challenge, and you know, I don't believe anyone has ever described Sephone as ‘fair’ before,” Odessa mused.

“Your wound has made you even more cantankerous than before,” I complained.

“Has it? I'm fairly sure it's just you who is peevish today. I've always been like this.”

“Very funny. Ha ha. Hush. Something is happening.”

Sure enough, the creature was opening its cavernous jaw very slowly, as if about to speak.

“In shadows deep, my secrets lie. Unveil them now, or surely die.”

The creature paused ominously.

“Oh, just fucking get it over with,” I spat, feeling murderous.

“It’s a good thing it can’t hear you. Would you like to go down there and do it yourself?” Odessa asked with a surprisingly saucy grin.

I bared my teeth and snapped at her. She laughed.

The caves that the gallery had overlooked at the first Blood Rise challenge had vanished. Today we stood in the same gallery but above a shadowy network of narrow tunnels leading to larger rooms. Only one room was illuminated for our view at a time.

At the moment, the competitors were convened in an entrance-like chamber, waiting their turn to approach the creature one by one and be granted passage into the tapered opening that lay behind it, blocked by the monster’s body.

Lyrastra, Avriel, Erion, and Selwyn had already passed the riddle-giver. Now it was Draven's turn.

Vespera waited behind him.