Page 15 of Court of Claws


High above us, a ceilingmimicked the starry heavens. Luminescent streaks embedded within the stony sky shimmered and twinkled, casting a soft radiance that contrasted with the harsh red light of the volcano. Constellations of crystal, unfamiliar yet captivating, graced the faux firmament.

As I stared out before me, I was filled with wonder, awe, and something very different.

An inkling of terror.

“Where are we?”

“I’ve already told you. We’re in the Court of...”

“Umbral Flames,” I finished, now with true understanding. “And these are the flames.”

The hint of a smile played on his beautifully curved lips.

“Don’t you fucking dare smile at me,” I snapped. “What kind of a people would build a palacebelow ground?”

“Paranoid people,” he quipped. “My ancestors liked the idea of being hidden and sheltered below Aercanum’s surface. And they had the power to bring their dream to life.”

The Siabra must be powerful indeed. Well, that went without saying. Draven had already been an intimidating man. And that was when I simply believed he was a royal guard. Assassin turned royal guard turned abductor.

Now he was something even more powerful.

Did Iwantto know the extent of his true powers?

“It’s...” I stared out at the vista again. “Incredible. And terrifying,” I added.

“Terrifying?” Draven looked amused. “Why?”

“Because that’s an active volcano and we’re... what? Miles below the surface of the actual continent?” Even just saying the words sent claustrophobic shivers through me. I looked up nervously. “What if the entire thing just... collapsed?”

Draven chuckled. The sound sent a fluttering sensation through my stomach that I quickly suppressed. “It won’t. This palace has been here for thousands of years. It's practically indestructible. These walls have never been breached. Do you know how much magic went into building this place?”

I studied him closely. “Here I thought you were simply an expensive hired blade. Who are you exactly?”

He scratched his chin. “It’s... complicated.”

“But you’re someone important? Aren’t you?” I challenged. “Lyrastra and Ulpheas called you their lord.”

Draven shifted uncomfortably, his hand dropping away. “Because I am. I’m their prince.”

I gaped. “So you’ll be what? King of all of this some day?”

“Not necessarily. I told you, it’s complicated.”

“Well, maybe you can at least uncomplicate for me why they think I’m your prize captive and whore.” I was starting to lose my temper again.

Draven looked distinctly uneasy. This was not good.

“I brought you back here because it was the best place to go in a hurry. I couldn’t take you back to Pendrath. Especially not without that sword.”

“Forgive me for not thanking you,” I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

He ignored me. “But there are dangers here, too. As I’ve said, many Siabra harbor animosity towards the Valtain. They would harm you if they could.”

“So you’ve saved me by bringing me somewhere everyone wants to kill me?” I rolled my eyes. “Wonderful plan.”