Page 158 of Court of Claws

“Fuck, no, no,” I cursed.

He hadn't fallen. He was still leaning up against the wall.

Could a corpse still lean? Maybe his body had been so desiccated by the fire that he was no more than a hollow log.

A log could lean.

The shield lowered. For a second, I thought I saw pain stamped across Draven's handsome face. Then it was gone and I watched as he laughed loudly.

“Why the fuck are you laughing?” I demanded furiously. “You’re bleeding!”

He shrugged. “I’ve bled before. It’s nothing new.”

“That looks painful. Very painful,” I insisted, staring at the raw, red burn and the melted armor.

“A little. You might remember I’ve had worse.”

“You need to go and see a healer,” I said stubbornly.

“I doubt they can do anything for me I can’t do for myself, but if you insist. Just as soon as we see who that was at the door.” He turned as the heavy wooden door was pushed tentatively open a second time.

Vespera stepped through. Her face was stricken.

Her eyes widened as she saw Draven’s chest. “I’m so sorry! I had no idea... I was just bringing a message.” She glanced at me. “Did you do that?”

“I’m partly responsible, yes,” I said through clenched teeth, glaring at her.

“I’m so sorry, Prince Kairos,” she said. “I thought you were practicing but I had no idea what sort of practice you were engaged in...”

“Yes, Morgan here is a flame wielder. Rather unusual in the Court of Umbral Flames, which is funny, isn’t it?” Draven sounded vastly amused and none the worse for wear.

Vespera nodded nervously. “I was just carrying a message for your mother. The Queen Regent, I mean.”

“Pity she didn’t come herself,” I muttered. “Pity I didn’t hit her instead.”

Draven’s lips quirked but he ignored me. “Yes?”

“The next round of the competition is tomorrow,” Vespera explained. “She’s moved it up a day.”

“Are you serious?” I exploded. “No. He can’t compete like this. Go and tell the queen what just happened...”

“I’ll be fine,” Draven cut in. The tone of his voice said there was no room for argument. “Tell Sephone I’ll be ready.”

Vespera nodded and scuttled out the door again.

I turned to Draven. “You can’t compete like this.”

“I heal fast. I’ll be fine.”

“Odessa will take weeks to heal,” I said, my nostrils flaring. “She’s still healing. But you expect to be fine by tomorrow morning?”

“More or less,” Draven replied. “It’s fine. Have I already said that? Don’t worry, Morgan. Training accidents happen. I’ve been expecting this.”

My eyebrows shot up. “You’ve been expecting this? Yet you wouldn’t wear a helmet?”

“You didn’t hit my head. Thank you for that, by the way. And I had this.” He waved the blackened shield which looked as if it was about to disintegrate at any moment.

“Wonderful. Now I’ve put you at a disadvantage. Avriel will love this.”