Page 156 of Court of Claws

“And why is that?”

“Because cowards are more dangerous than honorable men,” I said. “Because Avriel won’t hesitate to lie or cheat or do just about anything to beat you.”

“You’re right about that,” Draven agreed.

“You should have killed him when you had the chance,” I muttered.

“And when was that?”

“Back in the training room, before this ever started. Before he even had a chance to compete,” I said before I could stop and think.

Draven stared at me. “You were there that day? Watching us?” A look of understanding crossed his face. “Of course, you were. Beks and his little excursions.” He chuckled.

“It’s not fucking funny,” I snapped. “He killed Pearl.”

Draven’s face turned somber. “You’re right. I didn’t think he’d really do it. It’s been a long time since I’ve been around Avriel, you know. I’d forgotten just how merciless he could be.”

“I doubt he changed for the better in your absence,” I said bitterly.

“Not at all. He’s cruel. More vicious. More ready to show it, too. He’s had a taste of power, thanks to my stepmother. Now he’s more desperate than ever to keep it.”

I thought of Sephone, cool and composed but not above playing favorites. “Is that what she wants, I wonder?”

“I honestly have no idea,” Draven admitted. “But if I’d saved Pearl that day, do you really think it would have helped? She wasn’t going to back out. Avriel would have gotten to her eventually.” He ran his hands through his dark hair and scowled. “I wanted to keep them all safe, Morgan. But I couldn’t. This fucking game wasn’t designed for that. It’s brutal and cruel.”

It was brutal and cruel that a man with a heart could do nothing to save his people from being slaughtered. It was brutal and cruel that he had grown up in a court led by the greatest villain in Aercanum. It was brutal and cruel that his brother had followed in his father’s footsteps and murdered Draven’s wife and child.

“I know that,” I said, my face softening. “I do. You can’t... You can’t save everyone. What matters is that you care. That you try.” I put my hand on his chest. “There’s a beating heart in your chest. Not all the Siabra are so lucky.”

“Maybe they’re luckier,” he said sourly.

I shook my head. “Don’t ever think that. This.” I pushed against the heartbeat under my palm. “This is what sets you apart. It’s why you deserve to win. It’s why you’ll...” I hesitated. “It’s why you’ll be a better ruler than my brother or your father or Sephone. You could really fix things, Draven.”

He was quiet as he looked down at me. Then his hand covered mine. “Thank you.”

I nodded, then pulled away. “We should go.”

My body burned for this man. I couldn’t have my heart burning, too.

I walked out of the workshop without a backwards glance, the gauntlets hanging by my side.

Ironic that he had chosen gauntlets when my heart was in his hands.