Page 146 of Court of Claws

Crescent’s eyebrows lifted. “Yes, I thought you already knew.”

“Knew what?”

“Apparently the prince has something he’d like to show you in Noctasia. I’m to take you.” He nodded at Odessa. “She’s along for the ride.”

Behind him Odessa waggled a hand.

“Oh.” The surprise on my face must have been manifest for Crescent cocked an eyebrow. “This is news to me,” I explained. “The prince didn’t mention it. Do you know where exactly we’re going?”

Crescent shrugged. “Some obscure shop in the market district. I was given the message this morning.” He snapped his fingers. “Perhaps one of the servants was supposed to deliver a similar one to you this morning but forgot?”

“Perhaps,” I agreed. “Well, I’m dressed so let's go.”

We stitched into the city, appearing on a bridge overlooking the lake. Crossing over it, Odessa and I followed Crescent as he began to walk in the direction of a crowded part of the city where narrow alleys led into shadowy streets.

“Not the best neighborhood,” Crescent observed. “But the prince probably has some trick up his sleeve. A present for you, no doubt.” He grinned at me playfully and I tried to grin back.

“No doubt,” I echoed.

The night’s activities were fresh in my mind. Draven’s touch still resonated through my body. I could feel him inside me even now if I tried.

I shook my head and attempted to focus.

“The prince said he had training today,” I remarked.

“He must have decided to take part of the day off,” Crescent suggested. “No doubt he feels well-prepared by now.”

He walked a few feet ahead as Odessa trailed behind me. As we entered a shaded alley full of shops, our footsteps were silent as we padded over the cobblestones.

Crescent took a sharp turn, then another. Nothing around me looked familiar. We had come quite a distance from the lake.

“We're close to the shop,” he assured me, looking over his shoulder.

I nodded and glanced back at Odessa. She was frowning and looking around, perhaps wondering as I was why exactly the prince was sending us to this shadowy corner of the city. It seemed an odd place to deliver a gift–or a surprise.

I turned back to Crescent to ask him what kind of shop we were searching for exactly just as an object whizzed past my head buzzing like an angry bee.

Behind me, Odessa let out a sharp yell.

“Odessa!” Crescent whirled around with an alarmed expression.

I turned to see Odessa standing with her arms outstretched, a thin dagger caught between two of her fingers. Her face was flinty. “We're under attack. Crescent, get her to cover.”

But it was too late for that.

They encircled us. A ring of assailants from either side of the alley, their faces hidden beneath black masks that exposed only their eyes. They were dressed from head to toe in the same color. Most wore gloves as well.

There were weapons in their hands. Gleaming daggers. Curving swords. A sharp-edged mace.

“She comes with us,” one attacker said menacingly, stepping forward. Their voice was too distorted for me to make out anything else about them.

From behind me, I heard the sound of two blades being drawn swiftly.

“No,” Odessa said, her voice low.

Immediately a skirmish began as Odessa’s lithe figure spun into action, engaging the three attackers at my back.

Just in front of me, Crescent was frozen as he looked at the assailants blocking our way out the other side of the alley.