Page 141 of Court of Claws

Kairos Draven had just told me his plans for the next day.


I left the room and drew a hot, steamy bath, taking my time as I lathered away the metaphorical grime that had come from being in the presence of people like Avriel and Sephone.

Draven could have died today.

Others had died.

Then there was me. The supposed Prince’s Paramour. The one he had delegated to stand by his side–and to sleep in his bed.

Until recently, I had resisted the label with every fiber of my being.

But that night in Noctasia... It had opened my eyes to a world of new possibilities.

If we were going to perpetuate this relationship fraud, why not go all the way?

Especially when every day with Kairos Draven felt like a matter of life or death.

Was I really going to let him go into the next challenge without another taste of the potential between us?

And if I could bring him some small measure of comfort from the burdens he bore, so be it.

I fucking wanted to.

I wanted him.

I was done dancing around.

I finished my bath and patted myself dry, then slipped back into the bedroom.

Draven had dimmed the lights. His back was to me and it looked as though he was already asleep.

Exactly how I wanted it.

I lifted the covers on my side, and slid underneath, completely naked.

Tonight, I wasn’t staying on my side of the bed.

I moved over to the center of the mattress. I had never gone past this point before. It felt as if I were crossing an invisible line in the sand.

Taking a deep breath, I moved closer towards Draven’s back. From past experience, I knew he’d be wearing something underneath. But he was bare from the waist up.

I pressed up against him, my breasts flush against his skin.

He wasn’t even awake yet but I was already feeling flames shooting through me merely from this much contact.

I reached out one arm and curled it around his chest, brushing my hand over his nipples lightly.

I felt his body go perfectly still. He was awake.

“Morgan?” His voice sounded funny. Hoarse and constricted. “What are you doing?”

“Oh, you know,” I said conversationally. “Sharing your bed.”

“This... isn’t how we usually share it.”

“I thought I’d change things up.”