Page 139 of Court of Claws

“You asked him to teach me? He’s a fucking monster. You saw how he treats Beks.”

Draven grimaced. “That one day... He was very annoyed with the boy. I agree, he went overboard. We’ve talked about it.” He ran a hand over his chin. “I have to say, I’m not sure what your tutors were like in Camelot, but mine were often a lot harsher than Javer.”

“Harsher than Javer? They pulled you out from under a bench and made you hover in the air frequently, did they?” I demanded.

“No, but they didn’t hesitate to use canes or whips. And their words could be even crueler than their weapons.”

I thought of Draven as a child, being whipped and scolded by a harsh tutor. shook my head. “It doesn’t excuse Javer’s behavior. That’s no way to teach a child.”

“You might be surprised to find that Javer agrees. His own childhood was by no means a happy one. Have you noticed how an unhappy childhood can often lead to an unhappy person? He struggles.”

I snorted. “Sure. Forgive me if my sympathy lies more with Beks, who is a child, than his master, who is a grown man.”

“Javer isn’t used to children, Morgan, but he’s trying. I can see it. And Beks needs something of a firm hand. He’s a wily little fellow. It’s one thing to play and sneak off sometimes, but Beks’s possesses a considerable amount of power and he needs to learn how to use it. I’ve weighed the options and, look, it would be much more dangerous for everyone if Beks was simply left to his own devices and grew up without Javer for a mentor. The very future of this empire may depend on people like Beks some day.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, he and Javer have a rare ability. They can shield. It’s considered a very valuable skill here because so few Siabra were born with it. And to find it in a human child...” Draven shook his head. “He may be even more powerful than Javer one day.”

“Well, I can’t shield. So I don’t see how Javer is the right person to teach me,” I said stubbornly. I thought of something. “Maybe we could ask Crescent.”

“Javer isn’t only a shielder. He’s something of a savant. He can access a range of powers, which is why he’s so unique. Not to mention such a valuable ally. It’s also why I specifically asked him to try to teach you. Crescent can stitch, but that’s the limit of his skills. I know you like him and he likes you, but he’s not what you need right now.”

“Perhaps you should have asked me what I needed before you asked Javer,” I said, starting to lose my temper again. “Did you ever think of that?”

“Maybe I should have. You’re right. But to be honest, I’d hoped Javer would be more... persuasive.”

“He basically said I was going to send us up in flames,” I muttered.

Draven’s lips twitched. “Well, you haven’t so far.”

“Count your lucky stars.”

“You do have considerable power though, Morgan. Why deny it? I’m just curious.” Draven’s voice was calm and quiet. “Don’t you want to learn about it? Learn how to use it more effectively?”

“More effectively than burning my former lover up? I’d say I was pretty effective,” I snapped.

“Did you feel like you were in control at that moment? As if you could decide when the power began and when it would stop? Or did it simply... overwhelm you?”

I looked away.

A finger touched my chin. “You don’t want to talk about this. I get it. Why do you think I’ve tried to keep my nose out of it? But Morgan, your powers are your best defense weapon against anyone who tries to hurt you or the ones you love. And right now, you don’t even know how to wield them. That...” He paused. “Thatkillsme.”

I looked at him in surprise. The look in his eyes shocked me. He was telling the truth. I saw fear there.

“I won’t always be there to protect you, as much as I want to be. But knowing you were more than able to protect yourself...”

“I’ll think about it,” I interrupted.

He nodded quickly. “Good. That’s all I ask.”

We walked back to our suite, side by side, hands brushing against one another.

Draven might have won this round, but he had no idea I was determined to win the next one that very night.

Draven had kept hisarmor on all through Rychel’s dinner. Now he began to remove it in the sanctum of our suite. With each buckle and strap he unfastened, his powerful frame was unveiled.

I watched him out of the corner of my eyes as I sat on the edge of the bed, brushing out my hair.