Page 127 of Court of Claws

Malkah was faltering. The pain from her wound seemed to be finally overwhelming her. She continued to fight but her movements were slower. I watched as she stabbed a bone blade out towards a goblin too slowly and it jumped away, teeth bared in a hungry grin.

Selwyn was fighting fiercely. He shouted something to Erion.

But Erion was backing away, clearing his own path with determination.

“He’s leaving them,” I said with shock. “He’s abandoning her.”

Javer gave a mocking laugh from where he stood next to Crescent. “Smart man.”

I glowered at him.

Crescent nudged me. “Look to the prince.”

I did. Draven was coming back. Lyrastra and Vespera were going on ahead, but Draven was doubling back, following the same path he had just taken. He passed Erion without a word.

“It’s pointless. She’ll never make it up the cliff, even if she gets there,” Odessa said softly, almost sadly as we watched Malkah and Selwyn continue their fight.

I couldn’t help but think she was right. Malkah had sunk down to her knees. Her bone blades were still up, but it was clear she was failing fast.

Selwyn prowled around her, his ax picking off the goblin horde one by one.

Then Draven reached them. Together, he and Selwyn cleared the remaining few.

When it was over, he and Selwyn crouched down by Malkah, conferring.

Draven’s face was hard and angry. I didn’t understand why. Then he rose, tried to pick up Malkah by the waist. She resisted, pushing him away.

Selwyn stood by, his expression grim.

“She won’t let them be slowed down by her,” Odessa said quietly.

“Good. She should never have entered the challenge in the first place,” Javer said calmly. “She nearly got them all killed.”

“It was bad luck. She’s a good fighter. I’ve seen her,” Odessa countered.

Javer shrugged, but said no more.

I wanted to slap the smug expression off his arrogant face. This man thought he was going to teach me magic? He had another thing fucking coming if he thought I would ever become his pupil.

My eyes widened. “What’s Malkah doing?”

The beautiful onyx-skinned woman was pushing herself along the stone on her hands, back towards the water.

Selwyn shouted something and leaped towards her, but it was too late.

With a small splash, Malkah slipped into the water.

For a moment, she floated there, her scales shimmering.

Then gnarled hands reached out, pulling her down into the depths.

Draven and Selwyn turned away, moving slowly back the way Draven had come from.

Draven was too far away for me to make out his expression. What had he thought as Malkah had slid into the water? Had he believed her foolish or brave?

She had died with dignity, sacrificing herself lest she risk the two men. Had Selwyn meant something more to her? Was that why he had stood by her so faithfully until the very end?

Watching the challenge play out, I realized I had never once truly considered that Draven could actually die. But now, watching him take risk after risk for other peoples’ lives, I was becoming frightened.