Page 7 of Court of Claws

Draven’s hand wrapped around Ulpheas’s throat and lifted him into the air with ease.

A choked sound emerged.

“You dared to come in here. To bringherhere. As if you had any right to step foot in this room.”

A choking came again. I thought Ulpheas might have been trying to say “sorry” but if so, he was far too late.

Draven dropped Ulpheas to the floor with a thud.

“I saw her raise her blanket back up over herself when I came in. Which one of you dared to touch her? Speak up.”

I felt a twinge of annoyance. I appreciated what Draven was trying to do, but I had a name, didn’t I? I could speak for myself and tell him who had done it.

But clearly Draven didn’t want that. Or he didn’t care to hear from me.

For a moment, there was silence and I wondered if Ulpheas and Lyrastra would each blame the other. Or perhaps deny the accusation altogether.

“I did.” Lyrastra didn’t sound particularly apologetic. She was practically purring. “And why, might I ask, does your precious prize have another man’s name carved into her chest, my esteemed lord?”

“No.” Draven’s voice was cold.


“No. You may not ask. You may go. Now. Before I really lose my temper, Lyrastra. You will not like it if I do.” He pointed at where Ulpheas was rising from the floor. “By rights that should have been you. Don’t think I don’t know that.”

Lyrastra smiled slowly. “Come now, we are family. Besides, you would never harm a woman.”

“I would never harm adefenselesswoman. There is a significant distinction.” Draven tilted his head slightly towards the door. “Now get out. If I ever catch either of you anywhere near this suite again, my response will be harsh and swift. Consider this a restrained warning courtesy of my recent return.”

Lyrastra seemed in no hurry to go. Instead, she turned her head slowly to look down at me.

I gasped as I got my first good look at her eyes. Mesmerizing and reptilian. They were the eyes of a snake. The iris was divided into thin, vertical slits of gold, yellow, and iridescent purple. With a flash, her pupils dilated and contracted, revealing a dark obsidian hue that contrasted with the vivid colors of the iris.

“Valtain whore.” The words were spat so quietly I didn’t think anyone but me had heard.

She turned away, her long slender limbs carrying her towards the door with a serpentine grace.

When the door had closed firmly behind my two unwanted guests, Draven approached me. “Are you all right? Can you move? Did they hurt you?”

“That woman is yourfamily?” I was appalled. Even more appalling was the way the words would hardly emerge from my lips at all. My voice was dry and raspy. Just how long had I been asleep? “How exactly are you related?”

“She’s my sister-in-law,” Draven said shortly. “Are you hungry?” He moved towards a door across the room I hadn’t noticed before.

“Wait,” I said sharply. “Stop.” I willed strength into my arms, then pushed myself up into a sitting position with everything I had. “Don’t you dare walk away. Where the fuck am I? What is this place? What’s happened to me?”

His pace slowed, almost begrudgingly.

Turning back towards me, something like hesitation crossed his handsome face. Was he afraid? Afraid to speak to me? Why?

“I know you, I remember you,” I assured him quickly. “I remember almost everything.” At least, I thought I did. “We went into the ruins... But then...” I trailed off. “It must have been last night. Or the night before.”

Draven’s eyes narrowed. “You can’t remember anything after that?”

“I...” I bit my lip, feeling frustrated. “No, I remember. We entered the ruins. There were harpies.”

He waited expectantly. “Yes. And then?”

“And then...” I blew out my lip. “We set up camp.”