Page 39 of Ruthless Betrayal

Her head tilts to one side. “You would kidnap me, force me to marry you, lock me in a concrete dungeon, but you would never cheat on me?”

“Of course not. And yourdungeonwas hardly concrete. It had wallpaper and luxurious carpet, last time I looked.”

I watch the play of emotions on her face as she tries to decide whether or not to become angry.

Humor wins, and she laughs with a self-deprecating air. “I’m beginning to understand a little more. There’s a code of honor in this world. Twisted, maybe, but it does exist…”

“You have much to learn, but yes. Honor and respect are important. And you are my wife. My wife and the mother of my child. If you betray me, there will be consequences, as there would be for me if I were to disrespect you. But that will not happen. I will always try to treat you with respect.”

“It seems strange to be saying thanks for that, but I can tell you’re genuinely trying to be kind. And moral, in your way. So, thank you, Rio.”

I don’t bother containing my bark of laughter this time. “So, you really are my little moral compass, then?”

She starts, and my brows lift. Surely, she doesn’t really see herself in that role? I shutter my expression so she doesn’t see the sudden pity reflected there. She will be sorely disappointed if she thinks she can steer someone like me onto a virtuous path.

Far too late for that, little bird.

“Do not thank me too soon,” I caution. “You do not know what this event entails, Bianca. Nor who will be in attendance. Perhaps you would prefer to remain holed up here at the estate? It is safer here, without a doubt. Far less so once you venture out.”

The humor still lingering in her expression dissipates, and a frown takes its place.

I hold up a reassuring hand, guessing where her thoughts have just wandered. “Emilia will be fine. We will leave our daughter at home with the nanny for this one.”

“Oh, but—”

“No buts, Bianca. You may accompany me, if you wish, but Emilia stays here. She will be well protected; I promise you that.”

Indecision flickers in her eyes before she nods slowly. “All right. I’d like to go to Washington with you. I’ve been expressing extra milk, so there’s plenty to—”

I hold up a hand. “I do not need to know the details. This event will be formal, so dress accordingly. I will send someone in the morning to assist you with getting ready.”

When she finally leaves my office, I take a seat back behind my desk, but it is several minutes before I can concentrate on business once again.

Have I just made an error of judgment, trusting her yet again? Will she use this opportunity to betray me? The nature of the gathering, and those who will attend, means there are more than likely going to be federal agents there, as well as rivals who would love to see me taken down.

It is a given that I will have enemies in attendance. More than one. And I need to guard against them.

Last time we attended an event like this, Bianca was accosted in the bathroom by a member of law enforcement. I cannot guarantee they won’t try the same thing again. And if it does happen again—or even if Bianca is onlyperceivedto be behaving in a suspect way—she is likely to feel the full wrath of the Mafia world come raining down on her head.

Baby or no baby, my wife will not survive if she tries to cross the Agosti family in the future. Even if my love for her blinds me to her faults, and even if I do not have the strength or the will to harm her, there are others within the family and the business who will be at pains to ensure she doesn’t see the sun rise the next day.

And then, my darling daughter, Emilia, would have to grow up without her mother.


“We have true power when we support each other.”

Bert McCoy


It bothers me,leaving Emilia home without me when she’s still so young, but I understand why Rio has made that decision. He wants to protect our daughter and doesn’t feel like he can keep an eye on me, plus Emilia, as well as conduct whatever business he has in Washington, without something or someone falling through the cracks.

Neither of us wants that “someone” to be Emilia.

When a team of helpers arrives late in the morning to do my nails, hair, and makeup and choose my clothing and jewelry for the evening, I have to confess I’m less surprised than I was the first time that happened. There is something to be said for having the money to afford this level of pampering.

It may feel ridiculous and like a whole lot of overwhelm, but when I have one person styling my hair, another applying skin products and rimming my eyes with perfectly applied liner, and two more buffing my nails and giving me both mani and pedicures, it is hard to summon hatred for the luxurious way of life.