Page 20 of Ruthless Betrayal

Eventually, she pushes back the tray and lets out a puff of laughter. “The chef knows his or her stuff. Is it the same one as…before?”

She leans back on the couch and tucks her feet up under her once again. She looks so young and innocent, but her eyes hold a sadness that wasn’t there a few minutes ago. She liked Francine, I remember, and she spent a lot more time in my aunt’s company than I did over the past year.

“All the surviving staff returned once the estate was repaired and…cleaned.” My hesitation is slight, but Bianca’s gaze cuts straight to mine.

She knows me. And she knows how much my aunt’s death eats at my conscience. Francine did not deserve to be gunned down simply because she was related to me.

Her blood—literally—was spilled on the steps of this home, and she will be avenged. I will make certain of it.

“The security detail has since been doubled,” I add, wanting to reassure her of her safety. “And additional measures have been put in place around the estate. These underground rooms are as secure as it gets. I am in the process of moving my office down here, too. No one will get through to you in this bunker, Bianca. I can assure you. They won’t get past me or my men twice.”

“I believe you.” She still looks fragile, but there is a hint of color in her cheeks since eating that gives her a healthier glow.

Satisfaction courses through me. I circle back to answer one of her earlier questions.

“If you behave, you will not need to remain down here forever. I simply need to make a statement by keeping you locked up for a period of time.”

“Oh? Well, at least that’s something.” Her eyes glitter, and this time not with sadness. Fresh anger threads through her tone once again. “You may take the tray away now, Rio. I’m going to have a shower.”

She unfolds her legs and stands, and my hunter instincts rise. I stand, too, not willing to allow her to get away with that imperious taunt.

“You already had a shower,” I caution. “I could smell the fresh scent of soap and shampoo wafting off your hair and skin the moment I entered the suite.”

“I… Well.” She tosses back her hair. “I need another.”

She turns in the direction of the bathroom, but gives away her uncertainty about my reaction when she flicks a glance over her shoulder. I take a couple of steps toward her, and her eyes widen when she notices my arousal. My cock is hard and ready; it has been since the moment she pulled at her delicious, plump bottom lip.

The whole place smells of her and reminds me of all the times in the past we lay tangled in each other’s arms.

Her mouth—her beautiful, generous mouth—parts slightly, and she turns and scurries into the bathroom. The door slams shut.

Oh, little bird. You will not get away from me that easily.

I stalk across the space and thrust the door open just as fiercely as she closed it. It swings wide, and the force of the momentum smashes the handle against the wall. She whirls to face me from where she’s standing clutching the edge of the sink.

“Rio, please get out. I don’t want this.”

“You don’t?”

I cover the few feet between us. She can’t retreat. Her ass is pressed against the edge of the countertop, my erection pushing against her belly.

I pin her between my arms, covering her hands still gripping the counter edge with my own. No escape. “Are you certain you don’t want this, Bianca? It has been a while.”

“I…” Her eyes dart to my lips, and the tip of her tongue dips out to moisten her own.

I grin down at her, but I doubt my expression conveys a friendly vibe. “Tell me truthfully you haven’t craved my touch the way I crave yours, and I will walk out of here and leave you alone.”

A tiny whimper escapes her, and she shakes her head.

“We both know you can’t tell me that. And if you try, it will be a lie.”

“I don’t… I… Rio, please…”

“Please what, Bianca? Truth.Now.”

“I want…”

I lean forward so I can whisper in her ear. “What do you want, Bianca? Tell me, and I may decide to give it to you. Right here, right now. You want me to leave you alone? Or you want me in that shower, or atop this counter? Or do you prefer me to lift you up and carry you out there to your soft, comfortable bed, where I will bury my head between those delectable thighs of yours and dip into your delicious, fertile core with my eager tongue?”