Chance snorted.

“That’s bull. I brought them here because I had shit to bathe them in and spare clothes. Had nothing to do with you,” Chance growled out.

“But they could be ours?” Clio questioned with an almost begging tone.

Did he trust Clio with them? She’d already rejected her own flesh and blood. He wished he knew what the fuck was going on in her mind.

“I’ll get therapy, and maybe Phoe’s right. I do need some time in an institution to talk this shit through. All I could do was wallow in my guilt, which makes no sense because I’ve nothing to feel guilty about. It was my dreams that were smashed, not yours, but I was caught in a whirlpool that just kept getting deeper and deeper.”

“You have probably got a lot of trauma over Dax’s birth,” Chance admitted.

“You’ve no idea,” Clio agreed.

“Get help. I’ll stand with you because you’re my world. But ever pull this shit again, and I will put the kids first. I have to,” Chance stated.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to get better and be worthy of you,” Clio said quickly.

“You’ve never not been worthy of me, babe; let’s get these babies washed and fed. And then see if they have names we like.”

Chance busied himself even though his mind was full of doubts. But Clio was responding, and for now, his heart was eased.



Levi looked out at the quiet woods that surrounded his cabin. They’d discovered a tracker on his bike, which had since been destroyed. He wasn’t prepared to give up his home, so instead hired the Fallen Warriors to come and make it secure. Levi now owned state-of-the-art equipment that would alert him to any approach to his home.

The monster was asleep. No, that was the wrong word. The monster had been tamed. Around Madisen, those feelings he’d fought just faded away. The anger over how he and Una had been treated wasn’t there.

Madisen had gone after his parents and completely ruined them. Four weeks ticked by quickly after Jere kidnapped Madisen.

At first, he thought the beast he controlled would break free, but instead, being around her calmed it into nothing. Of course, should anything threaten her again, it would rise, but for now, the beast lay dormant.

Clio was recovering, having done a three-week stint in a place Chey and Phoe discovered for her. She had three weeks remaining but came home at weekends, and everyone could see the difference. Clio was heading back to her strong, happy former self. Diesel hadn’t been able to look her in the eyes, knowing what his decision had wrought. But this weekend, Clio had gently boxed him into a room and had it out with him. They’d all witnessed Clio and Diesel clinging to each other and visibly healing.

Life was good—apart from the threat of the Fangs. But with their allies, and those increased daily, the McKenzies were now on board.

Levi was hopeful.

Beauty and happiness surrounded him.

Right now, Madisen lay sprawled in their bed, naked and exhausted from the lovemaking. He may not have been looking for her, but Levi had found his soul mate and had no intentions of letting her go. As much as he claimed her, she’d claimed him. And Levi was quite happy to belong to someone. Finally.


Hellfire MC.

Chance Michaelson. DOB 1973. Chance is the Hellfire President. His father started Hellfire. Chance looks like Tim McGraw with long hair. He is Drake’s older cousin. They were brought up together and are as close as brothers. They both fought to get their clubs clean from the filth that infected them.

Chance is six foot four and projects a deceptive leanness. In fact, he has a broad chest and shoulders that are muscled, not heavy like a wrestler, but with a clear muscle definition. He’s lean-hipped and long-legged. Chance’s hair is shaved at the sides, and he’s left the top long and tied back in a ponytail. He has sharp, bright green eyes with laughter lines. Chance has a neat goatee the same colour as his hair, a dark brown that sometimes looks black. He has a pin-up girl on his right arm. He’s married to Clio and is the father to Louisa Mae.

Bear. Bear is the Hellfire VP. Chance lets it slip to Drake that Bear has a dead sister. Phoenix calls him Bearbear. Bear loves his food and drink and doesn’t care who knows it. His real name is Sky Blue. Bear can be hotheaded and hot-tempered, but he’s loyal and caring. Bear’s hair is light brown, cut short at the sides and long on top. He has a floppy lock that keeps falling over his eyes.

His eyes are light hazel, which look amber when the light catches him just right. Bear has a strong face, not classically handsome but eye-catching and attractive. His jaw is square, and a goatee hides firm but plump lips. Bear is six foot seven with shoulders as wide as a wrestler and his chest just as broad. He has long legs and thick muscles. He’s married to Thalia.

Sunny.Sunny is Hellfire’s Lieutenant. He is a legacy like Chance. His father was also a founder. Zeus put four bullets in Sunny and then tried to kill him in the hospital. Doc Gibbons forged a death certificate, and Sunny joined the army. Sunny’s Mom and daughter Olivia moved to Florida for their safety. He’s now left the military and could have demanded VP back but settled for Lieutenant. Sunny thinks there is still dirt left in Hellfire and is there to clean it up.

Diesel. Diesel is Hellfire’s Sergeant at Arms. He buys and flips houses, putting half the profit into the Hellfire coffers. Diesel is a quiet man who speaks when he has something to say. He’d once had an old lady who’d split from him during the fight to get the club clean. Diesel is Pyro’s close friend. Pyro beat him badly when Pyro learned his father had been arrested. He is attracted to Alice, who works at Magic’s bar. Diesel’s old lady is Alice.