“Wanna bet?” Levi shot back.
“Hey, don’t I get a say in this?” I demanded.
“No!” both Levi and Derek answered.
“Oh, you two Neanderthals can stick your attitude right up your ass,” I replied, spoiling for a fight.
“Madisen, this is not the time for an argument. As head of the family—” Derek began.
“Your family, not mine,” I snapped.
Hurt flashed across Derek’s face, and I regretted my words immediately. But I had to make a stand. I was head of my family, meaning the girls. The McKenzies were new to me, and while I welcomed their addition, they had to learn their place in the scheme of things.
“I understand,” Derek replied with dignity. He stepped back as Dane and Daithi stared at me, expressionless.
“I have a say in what happens to my cousins and I. Don’t ignore my opinions because I have boobs and a pussy. Nobody disregards me or my feelings,” I stated firmly.
Derek bowed his head while Levi’s mouth opened and then shut. Whatever he’d been about to say, he cut off.
Damnit, Madisen was irresistible. All fired up and ready to blow, she was walking sex. Levi felt himself begin to harden and thought of Tiny naked, and his hard-on wilted instantly. Yeah, that shit worked, Levi thought with an inner smirk.
“What are your thoughts?” Levi asked. He’d been about to demand she come to Hellfire and overrule any objection Madisen might have raised. But he sensed her steel and knew not to push her right now. Madisen was balancing on the edge. And if he forced her hand, she’d either lose her precious control or snap completely.
“We need to up our personal security,” Madisen replied.
Levi nodded. He didn’t disagree there.
“And we’re not leaving our home.”
Levi instantly baulked, and he saw her brothers do the same. That statement hadn’t been well received.
“Obviously, despite our added measures, we can’t protect the home. Not without putting an army on it,” Derek stated.
“So put an army on it,” Madisen replied agreeably.
“You’d agree to that?” Derek asked, sounding surprised.
“I said I wanted an opinion, not that I was stupid or against protective measures. Two men on each of us and a team of guards on the house twenty-four-seven,” Madisen suggested.
“I agree,” Levi exclaimed. “And I’ll be staying with you at all times.”
Levi noted Derek’s expression. It was not a happy one.
“That’s my baby sister,” Derek hissed.
“And I ain’t laid a finger on her Madisen didn’t want,” Levi retorted. His remark got the reply he was looking for. Anger flashed across Derek’s face.
“Enough. Stop baiting each other. Brandy’s had a gunshot, and Cami nearly got abducted. Your silly squabbles over ego have no place here,” Madisen interrupted us.
“You’re right,” Derek responded.
“Sorry,” Levi said, but he wasn’t.
Any further fighting stopped when someone knocked at the door. Madisen’s jaw dropped open when she saw who was standing there.
“What the fuck?” Derek spoke, and his tone matched the surprised expression on Madisen’s face.