“Got a heart on your porch, and ye wondering why me name ain’t Irish? Madisen, Derek is how everyone knows me. Family knows me as Diarmuid, me real name. But only me brothers and cousins know that,” Derek explained.
“And the Irish is strong now,” I muttered as he laughed again.
We were interrupted by the two officers who walked in, concerned.
“Miss Roderick, I am sorry for what you found tonight. I’m Officer Jaggers, and we have had to call a detective in, even though it is early hours of the morning. We’ve got concerns around the…” the officer broke off, looking uncomfortable.
“You think it’s human?” I murmured. Derek had already confirmed that it was, but I didn’t want to land Derek with unwanted attention.
“We’re just making sure, Ma’am. Better safe than sorry. I’m Officer McNamara. Can you tell me if you’ve had any fallings out with anyone recently?” the second officer questioned.
“Not really. I had a bad date the other night. He was rude and opinionated, but he left when I put him in his place. But real arguments or grievances? Only my brother springs to mind,” I answered as Derek stiffened beside me.
“Your brother?” Officer Jaggers asked kindly.
“He was cut out of my father’s will and then arrested for drug running. Jere’s in prison as we speak,” I replied.
Jagger’s eyebrows shot up.
“Can we take his name and ensure he is still locked up, Ma’am?” McNamara quizzed.
“Sure. It’s Jeremy Oscar Thomas Roderick.”
“And who are you, sir?” Jaggers asked as McNamara made some notes.
“I’m Derek Mackenzie. An old friend of Miss Rodericks. I was in town to celebrate the opening of her new business when I was alerted to this incident,” Derek replied.
Neither guy showed recognition of Derek’s name. Why should they? His empire was far from Spearfish, and nobody would expect to find the head of the Irish family here. There was another commotion at the door, and a man I recognised walked in. Lio Hawthorne. He looked tired but was dressed sharply.
“Miss Roderick, we meet again,” he announced with a smile.
“Hello, detective,” I replied.
“Please call me Lio. My partner Phil, if you remember Detective Gold, is outside with the item. I am afraid to say we’ve had to call in a crime scene investigation, and your front porch is off-limits. Do you have another entrance you can use?” Lio explained as he sat down. His gaze flicked to Derek and the soothing movements of Derek’s hand.
“Yes, we do,” Brandy answered for me as she swept into the living room carrying a tray. Kylian and Callahan were behind her and took a place on either side of Derek and me. Riley must have remained in the kitchen with Tami and Cami.
“May I take your name, sir?” Lio asked, but I saw his sharp gaze studying Derek. Lio sensed the man in front of him was dangerous. Derek repeated what he’d told Jaggers. Recognition flared in Lio’s eyes, and he tilted his head towards Derek.
“And you’re an old friend of Miss Rodericks?” Lio questioned.
“Yes. Since she was a little girl who never knew when to shut her mouth and show respect.” Derek chuckled as I blushed. “Madisen was the bane of her father’s life.” Derek’s tone showed exactly how much enjoyment he took from that fact.
“I wasn’t that bad,” I demurred.
Derek’s richer and louder chuckle made my blush deepen.
Lio coughed and then took the coffee Brandy offered him.
“Sorry, it’s coffee, but at this time of the morning, we should all be asleep. I thought we might need the kick,” Brandy said and motioned towards creamer and sugar on the tray.
“Thanks,” I replied and stifled a yawn.
“Do you need Cami and Tami? They didn’t see anything apart from the parcel on the doorstep, and they are tired,” Brandy asked.
“No, we can interview them tomorrow,” Lio answered as Phil Gold entered the room. He sent Lio a look which the cop seemed to understand. Lio’s shoulders slumped and then straightened.
“I am sorry, Miss Roderick. It’s been confirmed. The heart is human,” Phil announced softly, and I collapsed against Derek, who wrapped an arm around me.