Oh my god. Shut up.

“Thanks for the warning, buddy,” said Joshua stepping up behind her.

Buddy. Joshua used that word a lot. Sometimesbro, sometimesbrah, depending on the situation, the person. It did seem to soften things with other men. The guy behind the counter gave a nod, backed up a bit as Joshua moved to collect their sack of things.

“Have anicetime up there,” he’d said as they left, but it sounded nasty, like a warning.Up where?she wondered. They hadn’t told him where they were staying.

“Have a good one, bro,” said Josh affably, shooting her a look when they got outside. He sang a funny banjo riff and Cricket laughed as they got into his car.

But the encounter had left her with a creepy feeling, deepening her anxiety about the weekend with her best friend, her new love. Herex. Hisstunningwife. Who’s idea was this again?

Oh, right. Mako’s.

“Huh,” Joshua said now, still staring at the phone as if willing the signal to return. Finally, he glanced over at her with a crooked grin. “Yep. We’re lost.”

They both started to laugh. He laced his fingers through hers and leaned in for a kiss. It was sweet, and hot. Just like him. Oh my god. He was so,sohot—bedroom eyes, lean but muscular, and much taller than Cricket. Which was nice because she was tallish and sometimes she couldn’t wear heels with the men she was dating. And shereallyenjoyed wearing heels. They made her legs lookawesome.

“I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be lost with,” he said softly, hand drifting up her thigh.

Truthfully? She loved him.

She didn’t want to. She hadn’t said anything.

But he lit her up inside like no one else she’d ever known. Conversely, he made her feel calm, safe. If she’d been with Mako, or any of her more recent exes, in a scenario like this there would be yelling, frustration, high stress.Why were they lost? Who’s fault was it? Why was there no fucking service?

But Joshua? No. She’d never seen him lose his temper, never heard a harsh word from him. He was light, easy, kind, nice to everyone. Loving, tender. Anamazingfuck.

He leaned in closer, whispered playfully in her ear. “Am I less of a man to you now that you know I can’t get us to our destination without a technological crutch?”

“No,” she said quite seriously. “If anything, you’re more of a man for not losing your shit when we’re out in the middle of nowhere with no cell service and no way to find the cabin.”

She thought about suggesting that they turn around.

“Hmm,” he said, hand now under her skirt, roaming, insistent. She flashed on the creepy guy holding the box of condoms, pushed the thought from her head. She brought her lips to Joshua’s neck, took in the scent of him. Her touch elicited a moan.

And then they were crawling over each other to get into the back seat where they used this lovely moment of lost isolation to have a quickie, his pants down around his tight ass, her skirt hiked up, panties shed.

Oh god.

Everything with him was so good.

Too good.

Definitely too good to be true, she thought as she experienced a seismic orgasm that left her weak and breathless beneath him, staring at the swaying green leaves above them. He came inside her; so much for the condoms still in their package. She loved it, even though it was a hundred different kinds of roulette. She was on the pill but she knew so many girls who got pregnant on the pill.

The trees swayed and sighed, as he breathed deeply, lying on top of her.

What was that thing? Forest bathing. The soothing power of nature. Yeah, maybe she could see it now, from this angle. For a moment, she got this floating feeling like she was one with the trees, their silence. That it was just her and Joshua and that they would stay just like this—sated, at peace. Every dark and shitty thing about modern life, every bad memory, or daily aggravation left behind for good. Her work in public relations which had become a joyless slog, his in technology which had him pulling all-nighters for this outage or that glitch. Maybe they could just leave it behind, come out to the woods, live off the land. People did that.

Yeah, right.

He buried his face in her neck as she closed her arms around his broad back.I love you, she thought but of course didn’t say.

“You are an angel,” he whispered. She was hardly that. She was so far from that. But she kissed his cheek, relishing the smell and taste of him.

Definitely too good to be true.

No, Hannah had said when Cricket had told her best friend about Joshua, about her fears that he was just too wonderful.Don’t do that. It’s okay to be happy, to be in love. Enjoy it and stop waiting for something to be bad about it.