Page 75 of Killer's Kiss

“Imagine someone flattening a car’s accelerator and ramming it straight through a crowd—that’s basically what’s happened here. If it was done with purpose, I’m not currently seeing it.”

“Can you fix it?”

“Broad stroke destruction is actually easier to fix than fine-tuned intentional, but it’s still going to take time, and there’s no guarantee he’ll regain all his memories.”

“Maelle will be able to fill in the gaps, surely.” I paused. “Do you think it’s the finer details they wanted to pull from him and the broad stroke destruction is simply a cover? He not only knows every little detail about everyone she employs—whether as feeders or workers—but all her security and financial details.”

“That’s a definite possibility, though surely it’s one Maelle would already be aware of.”

I’d have thought so, but who really knew, given she remained intent on telling us as little as possible.

Belle knelt in front of the collapsed Roger, carefully rolled him onto his back, then pressed her fingers against his temples. After a deep, calming breath, she slowly—carefully—entered his mind. Though our connection was only light, I got enough of a glimpse to see the broad stroke brunt of the attack had happened through the section controlling bodily function such as balance and breathing. In fact, to me, it looked as if a ragged strip of black had been painted through that part of his brain.

That’s a telepathic block preventing functional movements,Belle said.The only reason he’s alive is the fact he’s no longer truly human. I can dismantle it, but it’ll take time.

And his memories?

Her telepathic eye briefly turned that way.Mostly repairable, but the area that stores procedural memories appears to have been erased. I’m not sure recovery is even possible. It’s not something I was ever trained for.

Because she’d left Canberra with me long before her training was complete.

Don’t you start with the whole guilt thing again,she warned.

I smiled.Wouldn’t dare.

She harrumphed and got down to business. When she’d said it would take some time to undo the damage, she hadn’t been kidding. It was close to an hour later by the time she’d released his temples, and her exhaustion rode our link even though she was resisting my efforts to push some strength her way.

“Right,” she said, sweeping a hand across her forehead to brush away the beads of sweat. “I’ve done as much as I can, and I’m about to wake him. Be prepared for anything.”

I nodded and raised another protection shield. She reached out mentally and removed the last vestiges of that black block. His eyes immediately snapped open, but for several seconds he didn’t move, didn’t respond, did even look truly aware.

Then from behind us, Maelle said, “You can rise, Roger. All is well.”

My heart rate jumped, but I did at least manage to resist the urge to cast something nasty her way. I half turned. Though she remained in the shadows, this time, her whole face was visible. It was definitely more drawn than it had been the last time we’d met. “I do wish you’d stop sneaking up on us like that.”

She chuckled softly. “Why? I rather enjoy the enticing leap of your heart rate.”

It appears her temper and humor have improved now that Roger is back online,Belle commented.

And thank the fuck for that.“One of these days you might just get a blessed blade in your flesh or a face full of holy water rather than a simple enticing leap.”

She chuckled again. “I have great faith in your control, my dear witch. Roger, rise.”

He did so, though it was with some effort, and then bowed. “I fear I am currently incomplete.”

“That we can fix. Belle, thank you for restoring my thrall. I am in your debt.”

Belle nodded but didn’t reply. Roger stepped around us and walked across to Maelle. The shadows enveloped him, and all sense of his presence disappeared. I couldn’t help but wonder if restoring him meant him dining on some of her flesh again…

I shivered and hastily thrust the resulting images away. “Do you want us to lock up when we leave, Maelle? I noticed the guards weren’t there—”

“They have already been replaced,” she cut in. “You may leave unhindered.”

A rather ominous statement if ever I’d heard one. I nodded and caught Belle’s arm to ensure she didn’t stumble or fall as we left the room. The door closed behind us, the soft sound following us down the stairwell.

We retreated across the dance floor, the light sphere bobbing along above our heads, but the shadows seemed closer, thicker, and definitely more threatening now than they had earlier. The plastic covering the exit was pushed aside as we neared it, and a big man in black silently motioned us through. Another big man in black held the external door open. Neither were familiar. Neither spoke. Both smelled of death and ash.

They’re not human, Belle said.Or not entirely, anyway.