Page 29 of Killer's Kiss

I picked up my knife and got to work. “No, although Aiden did. I tried to pry information about what Monty was up to during one of our calls when we were in Canberra, but he wouldn’t budge. I’m glad, because the surprise was worth it.”

“With that, I’ll agree.” She returned to her side of the bench and continued cutting potatoes. “What happened to prevent the aforementioned hot monkey sex?”

“A phone call about a missing person.”

“And he didn’t hand it over to someone else?” She shook her head. “The man obviously isn’t yet sex-starved enough.”

I snorted. “It was the full moon. Everyone else was out running.”

She sniffed. It was a disbelieving sound. “I take it the missing woman turned up dead? Because that’s how these things tend to go here.”

“Sadly, yes.” I swept the sliced cucumbers into the container and started the next batch. “She was drained by a vampire.”


“If the images I pulled from a scrap of material I found are anything to go by, yes.”

“Then you had best go talk to Maelle sometime today.”

I raised my eyebrows. “That’s not my job.”

“It kinda is these days. I mean, youarethe assistant reservation witch. Besides, she won’t help Aiden—not when she’s wet with wanting you—and she’s obviously not interested in talking to Monty.”

“She wants to taste my power rather than me,” I commented. “And if she everdoestry to bite me, I suspect the wild magic will repel her. Hard.”

“It didn’t when the sorcerer imbibed.”

“The sorcerer wasn’t drinking my blood, and he caged my natural magic first. If Maelle even attempts that, I’ll knock the bitch down.”

“Somehow, I’m thinking that will not be so easy to do, magically or physically.”

Undoubtedly, but if I could, in the end—and with a whole lot of help from Belle and the spirit of my dead sister—defeat a very powerful wraith and his demons, then I could certainly at least hold my own against a powerful vampire.

“It’s the snake that bothers me—we just don’t know enough about it to figure out how to find the thing.”

“That can be said about all the demons or witchy entities that are lured into the reservation by the false promise of untapped power, but we generally muddle our way through.”

The kettle began to whistle. “Coffee or tea?” I asked.

“Coffee, thanks.”

I nodded and headed out to make it.

“I take it you didn’t find anything in Gran’s books?” she continued. “I saw you had the laptop out.”

“Didn’t get a chance to search before Aiden dropped in.”

“I’ll check later then. It might be worth asking Maelle about it when you talk to her, though. There has to be a reason that particular demon was called into being.”

“Maybe Maelle is afraid of snakes.”

It was said as a joke, but she was nodding as I walked back into the kitchen, my tea, and her coffee in hand. “It’s totally possible, you know. A statistic I once read said France only has two deadly types of snakes, whereas we have at least a dozen.”

I still couldn’t see it. Maelle just didn’t seem the type. But it also never hurt to check.

“Did you ask Monty if he’d do an online search through Canberra’s demonology archives to see what he could uncover about them?”

Belle nodded. “He said he’d pop in later with any information he finds.”