Page 28 of Killer's Kiss

And something that would have to continue now that we were both settling down. She couldn’t continue living in the shadows of my thoughts—especially when she and Monty had a gaggle of kids to take care of.

“I’m not the one who has already started the gaggle, and if you’re going to let thoughts leak, could it be useful ones?”

I laughed and tugged a cutting board out from under the bench. “Do you want the good news or the bad?”

“Good, because the bad will no doubt be something to do with Maelle’s ex or the monster snake she called into being.”

“Good guess.” I tipped the bag of cucumbers onto the bench and began cutting them for the green salads. “I take it Monty told you I invited Aiden back here for breakfast so we could chat?”

“He did indeed.” She paused, her gaze narrowing. “Did you tell him you were pregnant?”

“I did not.”

“Why not?”

I hesitated. “I just need to keep the news to myself a bit longer. I mean, what if his mother is right about the child of a witch and a werewolf being deformed?”

“She isn’t, and you know it.”

“Yes, but—”

“You want to get past the miscarriage danger zone.”

Therewasthat. But there was also an inner voice telling me I needed to keep the pregnancy to myself for as long as possible. Of course, that voice might also be nothing more than a lingering echo of past habits, ones based on the necessity of hiding our true identities in fear of my parents finding us.

“This pregnancy ismysecret. I willnothave any whispers of entrapment happening.”

“Then… did your willpower break and you had hot monkey sex upstairs?”

“Hot monkey sex is a really weird term to use when a werewolf is involved, but sadly, I did not.”

“Then what?”

It was impatiently said, and I grinned. “The man asked me to marry him.”

She blinked and, for several seconds, didn’t react. Then she let out the biggest whoop I’d ever heard, slammed her knife down, and ran around the bench, enveloping me in the fiercest bear hug ever.

“That is the news I’ve been hoping for but never expected.” She stood back and gave me a mock severe look. “You said yes, of course.”

“Of course.”

She glanced down at my hands. “No ring?”

“Not yet. He said he wasn’t certain what style I’d like, although he did suggest digging a nugget or two out of the veins that run through the compound’s mountain and getting something specially made.”

She snorted. “I take it he hasn’t informed his mother yet? Because I surely would have heard the ear-splitting howls of fury coming from their compound this morning.”

I laughed. “He hasn’t—and won’t—tell anyone until he’s confirmed as alpha.”

“Meaning Katie was right—hedidhave a long-term plan.”

“Apparently. I’ve already laid down some ground rules—going forward, he needs to include me inallplans made, be they long-term or short.”

She laughed. “Good luck with that. I mean, Monty is the most verbal man I’ve ever met, and he still manages to keep secrets from me.”

“Only one.”

“Yes, but it was one hell of a big one.” Her expression became serious, although it was countered by the sparkle in her eyes. “I never actually asked—did you know he was planning all that?”