Page 91 of Killer's Kiss

Because if I died, my daughter—the first true Fenna to be born in centuries—would also die.

“Which suggests,” Belle said, “they won’t ever let you call more power than you can handle, and that’s not a bad thing.”

It certainly wasn’t, especially when I’d already come far too close to doing just that. I knelt, pressed my fingers into the ground, and released the wild magic that still caged the vampire remnants. Thankfully, none of the bright threads had been in contact with the vamps when they’d died, so there was no risk of them being stained by their deaths.

I pushed upright and brushed the dirt from my fingers. “Maybe I should try—”

“No,” Belle cut in before I could finish, “notbefore you get some rest.”


“No. You can’t keep pushing yourself to exhaustion, especially now that you’re pregnant.”

“I’ll be—”

“Fine, yes, I know,” Belle said. “But onlyafteryou’ve had a few potions and gotten some rest.”

I rolled my eyes, but didn’t argue any further. She was right, and we both knew it. I just couldn’t escape the notion that by not acting straight away, we might be losing our one opportunity to capture Jaqueline without battling either Marie or a horde of other vampires.

The soft sound of movement had me looking around. A heartbeat later, Jaz appeared out of the trees, her nose twitching in distaste.

“I take it you two aren’t responsible for that steaming pile of goop?” she said.

“Nope,” Belle said. “Nor did we manage to get answers before he became goop.”

“Well, you won’t find me grieving for answers lost, even if it does mean it takes us longer to wrap things up. Those bastards caused plenty of chaos in the few minutes they were here, and got what they deserved.” She glanced at me. “Aiden said that once we were done here, I was to take you home while he and the other witches deal with the aftermath. He also said I’m to ignore all arguments to the contrary and pick you up and toss you over my shoulder if necessary.”

I laughed. “Not necessary, although I’d like to see you try and carry both of us.”

“I don’t need to carry Belle, because she’s the sensible one in your outfit.”

Belle grinned. “Have Monty and Ashworth returned yet?”

“No, but I believe Aidenhascontacted them and let them know what’s happening.” She handed me my sandals and then added, “This way.”

I hastily shoved my shoes on, then hurried after her as she strode off through the trees. Belle caught my elbow and kept close. Her support was only light at the beginning, but I leaned into it more and more. To say I was shaking with exhaustion by the time we reached Jaz’s SUV would be an understatement.

I don’t remember much about the journey home, and only had vague memories of drinking Belle’s potions and being helped into bed. When awareness finallydidresurface, it was obvious many hours had passed. Not only was it daylight, but the wave of noise coming from downstairs suggested the café had hit peak period.

I reached for my phone to check the time—it was just after one—and saw a message from Aiden that had come in late.

Staying here the night to sort out the mess and answer the pack’s questions about what happened, he said.Get some sleep and I’ll see you tomorrow.

He added a few hearts, making my heart happy.

I sent a text to let him know I was awake and rested, then threw off the sheet and staggered into the bathroom for a quick shower. Once dressed, I shoved on a newer pair of sandals and headed downstairs. Belle greeted me with a chicken, avocado, and cheese toastie and a mug of hot chocolate.

“You’re an angel.” I leaned a hip against the counter and picked up a toastie half, the delicious smell making my stomach rumble in appreciation. “What happened after I collapsed? Anything?”

She shook her head. “Just the usual, from what Monty said when he finally got home. But Ashworth’s tracker arrives tonight, so hopefully our basilisk will soon be one less problem we have to deal with.”

“I’d better contact Katie, then, and see if the snake’s movements form a pattern or are simply random.”

She nodded. “There’s also the blood Aiden collected. I sealed it in the vacuum box but I’m not sure if it or my spell is strong enough to have kept it viable this long.”

“Damn, I’d forgotten about that. You should have woken me earlier.”

She gave me the look. The one that said “not a snowball’s chance in hell.” “You needed sleep more than we need to track that bitch.”