Page 55 of Killer's Kiss


He grinned. “Of course. Totally.”

“You know,” I said slowly, “it’s not such a bad idea. The myth doesn’t actually say what size the mirror has to be, and some sunglasses these days are highly reflective.”

“I guess it would be easier than whipping out a mirror every time we hear a rustle through the undergrowth,” Belle commented. “Though there’ll be some seriously raised eyebrows if we tell our rangers to put out a reservation-wide demand for people to start wearing the things.”

“I would think the locals are getting used to strange requests from our rangers and council by now.” He paused to navigate a particularly steep section of the path. “Belle and I can grab a few pairs on the way home if you like. The chemist should still be open.”

I nodded. “I’ll mention it to Aiden tonight.”

And hope like hell nothing else happened in the meantime so that we could finally have some time together.

Although even puttingthatthought out there undoubtedly meant the shit would continue to hit the fan.

The ambulance had left by the time we got back to the road, and Rocco was nowhere to be seen, which meant he’d probably gone to the hospital with Suzanne. Aiden would have, had a member of his pack been caught in the same situation.

We climbed into the SUV, and after doing a careful U-turn, Idrove Belle and Monty back to their car and then headed home.

To discover the magic that protected the café aflame.


There was no obvious cause for its activation out front, so I swung into the side lane and sped down to the parking area. I braked hard as I reached it, slewing the SUV sideways before coming to a rocking halt.

Someone lay on the ground in front of the café’s rear entrance.

I had no idea whether he or she was alive or dead, but they certainly weren’t moving. They were also completely covered from head to toe. Even their hands were covered.

Vampire, instincts whispered.

And, given the wild reaction of the spells protecting the café, he or she had probably been attempting to either break themorbreak in.

Had my magic killed them?

It shouldn’t have—not in theory, anyway. But I guess it depended on what, exactly, the vampire had intended and how forcefully my magic had rebounded theirs.

I turned off the engine, climbed out of the SUV, and cautiously approached. The figure didn’t move, but I couldn’t discount the possibility that this was a trap. I had no sense of anyone else nearby, but that might not mean anything. This person couldn’t have walked here so bulkily dressed because they’d have attracted too much attention. There were a couple of cars parked behind the shops to my left, but I recognized them both—they belonged to the couple running the vintage clothing store on the other side of the lane.

Maybe whoever had driven the person here had skedaddled when the magic reacted. Or maybe he or she had been magicked in while I’d been busy talking to Jaqueline. Thathadto be the reason she’d appeared to give her warning—it was a diversion.

You want us over there?came Belle’s thought.

No, I’m fine.

Heard that before.

I couldn’t help smiling, although it didn’t do a lot to ease the inner tension.Seriously, the café’s magic has taken out the threat, and if anyone does jump out, all I have to do is run inside.

Yeah, but you won’t, will you? Your first instinct is rarely self-preservation.

I didn’t bother denying it, because it was nothing but the truth. Although therewasa repelling spell buzzing around my left hand, so my subconscious was certainly looking after me.

I reached the back step. After another cautious scan of the area, I leaned forward, slid my fingers past the coat hood and the thick scarf underneath, and felt for a pulse.

Nothing. Or, at least, nothingdetectable.

“I believe you’ll find life no longer exists.”