Page 54 of Killer's Kiss

That doesn’t alter the fact that they should at least be wary of your control over the wild magic and they’re obviously not,Belle replied.

And giving them any sort of demonstration would only increase the danger. While Jaqueline might mock my connection to the wild magic, I doubted Marie shared that view.

We needed to find them. Fast. The longer they were out there, the greater the risk of war.

Maybe we should make use of the gossip brigade’s superpowers,Belle said,and ask them if they’ve noticed a large group moving into the area recently.

Worth a shot, I said,but you’d need to enforce the need not to go snooping too close to any large group they might find.

Easy enough to do.

For someone as gifted in telepathy as she was, that was certainly true.I might contact Katie and see if she can give the wild magic a similar task.

Can’t hurt.

No, especially when the wild magic could cover the entire reservation easier than any of us could. Werewolves might in the end cover ground faster—especially given the wild magic didn’t appear to understand urgency in any form—but that would also place them in the path of danger, and that wasn’t an option.

I silently called the wild magic, and, after a few seconds, several glowing threads drifted toward me. They were all from Katie’s wellspring, rather than my own, which was somewhat worrying given it had always answered my call previously.

I really did need to find out what the hell was going on with it.

Several glowing threads wrapped themselves around my wrist. While I really didn’t need the wild magic to converse with Katie outside her wellspring these days, doing so took less of a toll on my strength and possibly hers.

Katie,I asked,is it possible for you to track the basilisk? We need to know if its movements are random, or if there’s some sort of pattern happening.

The creature moves too fast for the wild magic to give us up-to-date data.

Yes, but knowing whether we’re dealing with random or systematic movements will at least give us a means of predicting where it will be next.

Andthatwould make setting a trap a whole lot easier, especially if Ashworth wasn’t able to get hold of any weasels to herd this thing.

And the vampire you spoke to?

Meaning her threads had been near enough for her to witness the exchange even if I hadn’t seen them.If possible, yes, but you’d need to be careful. They’re obviously aware of my connection to the wild magic, but we don’t need them realizing there’s a second wellspring here.

Their magic could not corrupt or break that which protects my spring.

Maybe not, but they could cause a whole lot of damage to the surrounding areas if they did make such an attempt.

True. I’ll be in contact.

Her wild magic unwound from my wrist and floated away. I reached the top of the hill, paused for a breather, and then continued down the other side. Two paramedics were now on the scene, and one of them had placed a bag breathing mask—which had obviously been designed to fit the snout of a wolf—on Suzanne and was assisting her breathing.

I stopped beside Monty and Belle and crossed my arms, watching as Rocco and the other paramedic carefully shifted Suzanne onto the stretcher, strapped her in, and then picked it up and carried her down the hill.

“How is she?” I asked, as we followed them.

“Still alive,” Belle said. “I tried to see if her soul remained or had moved on, but couldn’t risk going too deep in case the magic bled over and trapped me.”

“If her spirit does remain, how long do you think she can stay in that condition before death seeps in?”

“Impossible to tell.” She rubbed her arms, her expression perturbed. “But to be trapped in one’s own body, unable to move, unable to even scream for help, would be the closest thing to hell I could imagine.”

Monty wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer. “It won’t ever happen to you. You have Liz to pull you out of such a hell.”

She let her head rest against his shoulder for a second. “I know. It’s just the thought.”

“And here’s another one.” He slipped his arm from her shoulders to her right hand, twining his fingers through hers. “Maybe we should all start wearing those mirror sunglasses.”