Although there is nobody around to actually say anything, but still. He forces me out of the place without a single person seeing us. A car is waiting at the curb, and this man opens the back door and shoves me inside, then locks it behind me.

I think about trying to break out of the door. I look at the panel and chance reaching for the door handle and tugging on it just as he opens the driver’s side and sinks down. He must see my attempt because he lets out a loud boom of a laugh that bounces all around the cab of the car.

“I’m not as much of a fucking idiot as they think I am. Child locks are on, bitch.”

“Why me?” I ask on a whisper.

Not that I would want Doctor Hamilton to be kidnapped, but seriously, why me? I don’t even know anything about Wells’s business. Nothing. All I know is that Doctor Hamilton says I’m stuck with him and in the family forever now.

“Because as hot as the mom is, I don’t want to fuck her.”


Hendrickand I walk into the office building where Parker works. The girl at the front desk asks if she can help me, then she recognizes me under my alias of Titus Atticus. Hendrick chuckles as she practically sprints around the reception desk to greet me.

“How can I help you?” she purrs as she arches her back slightly to push out her small chest.

Flicking my gaze down to her slight amount of cleavage, I almost laugh but decide I need her… at least I could use her for today. Lifting my hand, I run the back of my fingers down her cheek and grip the back of her neck before I lean forward.

“Be a good girl and tell me where Eira is today,” I murmur.

“He has a meeting right now, but his calendar is clear after that,” she exhales.

“Good girl,” I rasp as I slide my hand from the back of her neck to the side of her throat and down to the center of her chest before I stop, keeping my palm there.

Her heart is racing, and if this were a few weeks ago, I would give her a quick fuck in the back room somewhere before I killed Eira, maybe after. The adrenaline of a kill always makes for a good orgasm.

My hand drops from her chest, and I take a step backward. “Which office is his?” I ask, keeping my voice soft.

She lets out a long sigh, then sinks her teeth into the corner of her bottom lip. “Step out of the elevator, turn left, and it’s all the way down at the end of the hall,” she murmurs breathlessly, her eyes focused on mine.

She’s trying hard to be sexy, and it works, except my dick is completely sated and wants absolutely nothing to do with her. Giving her a smirk, then a wink, I say thanks and head straight for the elevator banks.

I hear Hendrick chuckling behind me, no doubt laughing at the whole thing. Once we step into the car, I look over at him and find him grinning at me like the fucking asshole he is. Jerking my chin, I give a smile.

“Yeah?” I ask.

He shrugs a shoulder, kicking the carpet with his foot, then his gaze searches mine. It’s bright, his eyes almost sparkling. I narrow my gaze on him. “Are you high?” I hiss.

“Yeah,” he says with a snort. “You just noticed?”

“I did,” I grunt. “What the fuck?”

“Just some coke. It’ll be fine.”

Shaking my head, I wonder if he was doing that shit with Allison. I’m sure he was. I slide my palm down my face with a heavy exhale.

“It’s all good,” he murmurs. “I’ll be fine.”

I know he’ll be fine. We’ve both done jobs for the family, on and off the books, high as kites. But that’s not what concerns me. It’s the fact that Allison is with Parker right now in that state. It shouldn’t bother me, but it does.

Parker is the most important person in my life, other than my family.

That itself bothers me.

She should not be on the same level as the family. And yet, she is. I’m worried about her. Seriously fucking worried about her. The elevator door dings before the doors open, and I see it’s Parker’s work floor.

I’m going to have to think about her later. Right now, I need to deal with this motherfucker who thought he could look at her, let alone openly flirt with her. Hendrick and I square our shoulders and step out of the elevator simultaneously.