“Okay,” I exhale.

“Keep your phone close. Call Allison, have a girls’ day.”

His words are probably an order, but the idea sounds so good that I decide to just go with it. He leaves a few moments later after giving me a long, deep kiss that leaves me weak in the knees all over again.


I’m not sure why,but leaving her alone today, even in the safety of my monitored condo, makes me feel uneasy. It’s stupid, probably only because I’ve never had a woman in my place, ever. Not even my mother has spent more than a few moments there, and that was when it was first given to me, then again after I had it remodeled.

Sinking down into the driver’s seat of my car, I touch the button to start the engine and then slide my finger across the screen to find the phone icon. Touching that, I call my brother, who I know will handle some shit with me.

Coleman is great and all of that, but Hendrick will fuck some shit up with me, then ask questions later. Coleman is too cool-headed for that. He asks questions first, and I don’t need that this morning.

“You are not calling me before eight in the fucking morning,” Hendrick growls.

“I’ll be at your place in fifteen. I need some help.”

“We fucking shit up?” he asks.

I laugh because I knew he would be down for this. “We are,” I confirm.

“I’ll be ready in five.”

Hendrick ends the call before I can say another word. I laugh as I shift the car intoReverseand head toward his place. The good thing about the family getting us our own places, they thankfully do not buy them in the same buildings.

We’re all spread out in the downtown area of Dallas, which makes it good for us if there is ever an issue. Someone is always close by to anything going down. It doesn’t take me long to get to Hendrick’s, and when I do, he’s not only standing on the corner but putting a woman in an Uber.

He gives the car a wave and then turns toward me with a smile playing on his lips. It’s clear that he’s ready to do whatever it is I have planned, and I love him even more for it. He tugs the door open and sinks down into the seat with a heavy sigh.

“What are we doing?” he asks.

I don’t answer him but clear my throat instead and jerk my chin toward the leaving car. “You have a date last night?”

I noticed the blonde hair but didn’t see her face. I can guess, though. “It was Allison. I’m not hiding anything.”

“You dating her or just fucking?” I ask as I pull out into traffic.

“I’m not sure,” he replies. “It’s definitely more than fucking, but less than dating. Why?”

I’m not sure why I want to know. I’m not sure why it feels important to me. But we’re the family, and the family usually does not date. Hell, the last time someone dated, it was Coleman, who was fucking his own cousin.

Not a good idea to date anyone in this world.

“I don’t know. Doesn’t seem like a good idea to get tangled with anyone.”

He hums, clearing his throat as I move through the busy morning commuter traffic. “Is it because you’re getting married now? You fucked around and found out.”

“Basically,” I chuckle.

I could tell him that I’m happy as fuck to have Parker as my own, but I’m not sure I am quite there yet. Yes, I love watching her. Yes, I love fucking her. Yes, I’m discovering that I like her. But I am not in love with her. I’m not sure she is who I’d choose for my life, and yet, I don’t have the choice.

Perhaps that is what has me suddenly feeling unsure about the situation. The choice was taken from me. It is no longer mine, and I feel stuck. Completely and totally stuck. The family was a choice that I made, then they chose everything for me until marriage. In marriage, I am to choose who I wish. That is my prize.

The reward has been stripped from me, and even though I would have likely chosen her, that choice was taken, and I’m bitter about it. I’m sure the feelings will pass, but that doesn’t mean I feel as if I had any other opportunity to take what I was promised.

Pulling up to the building, I shift the car intoParkand turn to look at Hendrick. “I fucked around and found out. But this asshole who we’re going to pay a visit, he thought he could not only flirt with Parker but challenge me in public. He thinks because he’s the boss, he has a big dick.”

“And you’re going to show him exactly whose dick is the biggest in the room?”