“It was almost twenty years ago. I wasn’t the director. My father was. Hell, I was just a manager. I was married, of course, to your mother. I had this investor. He was dicking us around. He’d promised the family something or other. It wasn’t my pay grade to know.”

I’m not sure how I feel about this story. It sounds fairly normal. I’m not sure why the fuck he’s acting the way he is.

“Wife wasn’t supposed to be killed. She and the kid were supposed to be gone for the weekend. I had my orders. They weren’t even to kill him. They were to scare him and get the deal to go through, whatever it was.”

“Like with Ray,” I murmur.

He jerks his chin in a nod. “Like Ray. And we all know how that situation turned out. This was similar. He woke up, pulled a gun on me, and I had no choice. I ended them both. I knew there was a girl in the house. I went to do her, too, knowing we can’t leave any witnesses.”

“But she was six,” Coleman says.

“She was six. I hated myself for that, leaving her with no parents. It was the one and only time I hated my job. Hated the family. So you can’t be with her. I can’t see her.”

It’s my turn to stare at him. I can’t hold back my expression. I can’t just stare at him and give him nothing. Lifting my hand, I rub my palm down my face and let out a sigh. I’m not sure what the fuck to say about any of this except I have one question.

“You watch her, don’t you? You knew it was her at the restaurant.”

It’s not a question. It’s a statement. I know he’s watching her. He’s been watching her. I wonder if he knows about her neglectful aunt and uncle. I wonder if he knows that they tried to take her money.

I wonder a lot of things, but I don’t voice them. Instead, I wait for my father.

“I did know it was her, and I have. Which is why I know that she isn’t for you. I didn’t think it was that serious. Just walk away.”

Pressing my lips together, I lean back in my chair. “I don’t want to. Give me some other reason. I don’t care about the dead parents thing. She might, but I don’t give a fuck.”

“Wells,” my dad warns, “this is an order. Leave her alone.”

Standing, I plan to do something I never do. I plan to defy my father. I could appease him and tell him I’ll stay away from her, but I decide against it. I’m going to defy him and tell him it’s what I plan on doing.

“I’m not going to stop seeing her,” I say.

My dad stands, and I hear Coleman groan beside me. I don’t give a fuck. I’m not going to stop fucking her just because he tells me to. It’s not my fault he fucked up and feels guilty. I’ve fucked up plenty in my life, especially when it comes to the dealings of the family.

“So you’re choosing to marry her?” he asks.

I snort. “No, I’m not marrying her. I’m fucking her.”

My dad’s lips curve up into a grin. “You’re marrying her,” he says.

“Why?” I ask.

Coleman chuckles. “Because if she’s your wife, she won’t be forced to testify against you in court.”


“Do you think it would ever go that far?” I ask.

My dad takes half a step toward me. “There is no statute for murder. It’s a possibility, and I got no fucking plans to go to prison for murder. Not now, not ever,” he says. “You’ll marry her. I’m glad she was a virgin because she is your prize.”



My boss,Eira, watches me during the meeting. As much as I try to avoid his gaze, it’s almost impossible. I’ve never had a man directly openly stare at me this way before, and I’m beyond confused. Is it because I’ve finally had sex, and a lot of it? Do other men sense that?

When the meeting is finished, I hurry out of the conference room, trying not to run but also not taking my time. I slip out and focus on heading to my office.

I need a moment to just breathe.