Laughing, I clear my throat and grab my keys as I leave the apartment. I lock the door behind me, shove them into my pocket, and head toward my car. I don’t have to pick up Dad immediately, but I need to shower and change before I do. Maybe eat something, too. I honestly can’t remember the last time I ate other than Parker’s pussy.

“She has no fucking clue. She thinks she knows something, though,” I murmur.

“Oh, she thinks she knows a hell of a lot, except she doesn’t know shit. That woman thinks because she and her father have dipped a toe into the underbelly of society, that she’s fully aware of the way my life operates. She thinks she can manipulate and strong-arm me. I want her gone.”

“Coleman,” I warn.

I make a tsking noise as my tongue hits my teeth a few times. “This isn’t even personal anymore. Now, it’s the principle.”

“Then I’ll take care of it,” I say because, at the end of the day, my brother is all that matters—family is all that matters.

A life for a life.

And this bitch is fucking with our livelihoods, which is the same fucking thing, in my opinion, as taking a life. My father doesn’t feel the same way, but I am indeed not my father.

Anything that is done to hurt the family in any way, financially or physically, I consider taking out a threat against our lives, and that is something that is not and never will be tolerated.

My father only considers physical threats and actions. I add in money as well because, at the end of the day, if they take money from us, if they fuck up any big deals, manipulate and play, then they’re trying to fuck up our lives, and that is just not acceptable.


“Wait until the deal is done. I can wait the fifteen days, but when it posts, I want her gone.”

“Then she is gone.”



“Your brother is a loose cannon,but that’s not why I asked you to pick me up,” my father murmurs.

I open my mouth, then close it and press my lips together, rolling them once before I release them. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to reply to him about this or not. But I decide to stay quiet. He’s got something on his mind, and I’m going to let him get it all out.

“This is about you. We need to discuss your future.”

“Future?” I ask, gripping the steering wheel tightly. I can hear it crack beneath my grip, but I don’t release it.

I don’t want to discuss a goddamn thing with him about my future. About me in general. I’m happy doing my job for the family. I’m good with all I have going on right now. Especially with my budding situation with Parker. I do not need my father fucking with things before they’ve even started with her.

“Your brother has chosen his prize. You are the same rank as he is. Have you thought about choosing a woman for yourself as well?” he asks.

I have.

The past few weeks, I’ve done nothing but think about a wife, a future, and the woman who I might want to have for myself. I don’t want to tell him that, though, at least not yet. There is still a lot about Parker that I don’t know. I’m not even sure if she would be a good fit or if I would want to keep her for life. It’s not a decision to be taken lightly.

“I won’t be thirty for another five years,” I say instead of answering his question.

He hums but doesn’t say anything immediately. Continuing toward the club, I bite the inside of my cheek as I attempt to focus on the road. I can almost hear the wheels inside of my dad’s head spinning.

It’s clear that he’s got some kind of reason for asking me this, and it’s not because he wants to see me settled down or wants grandkids. I wait him out. I know he’ll say whatever it is. He wouldn’t have called me here to drive him alone if he hadn’t planned on it.

“I’ve gathered a set of dossiers for you while I was getting Coleman’s together. However, they’re younger. So they wouldn’t be ready for a few years. Which would make it just about right for you.”

“Why?” I ask. The thought of looking at pictures of underage girls to choose a wife makes me feel all kinds of fucking wrong.


I hum, deciding to make him answer me. And he does. “Some associates have daughters coming up and have asked if there was any way we could permanently combine our assets in a way that would not be broken.”