Even if I fucked her before we were married, she’d be mine. If it works between us, I could own her. The thought causes my spine to tingle. Closing the journal, I set it back down on the table before I rise.

I’m not sure I truly want to keep her, but the thought is intriguing, to say the least. It’s probably just because Coleman is getting ready to settle down with his wife. He’s chosen a woman. He’s made a decision, and I’m thinking about mine, which will be coming up sooner rather than later.

Shaking my head, I decide this is a moot point. I need to forget about it all. Who knows where I will be or what I’ll want in the next five years when it’s time for me to choose my wife? Chuckling, I want to slap myself upside my own fucking head at the fact that I’m even thinking about any of this shit.

As I walk into Parker’s bedroom, I pause at the sight of her. She’s sleeping, her hands tucked beneath her cheek. She’s lost to a dreamworld, but I can’t just stand over her. I can’t just watch her. I have to touch her.

I need to taste her.

Carefully, I wrap my fingers around the top sheet that covers her body and gently glide it down until I expose her silky pajama set and her bare legs.Fuck me. Reaching for the waist of her shorts, I slowly slide them down and toss them to the floor.

She’s not wearing panties.

She moves, rolling onto her back with a whimper. I freeze, watching her, wondering if she’s going to wake up. She lets out a sigh, but she doesn’t open her eyes or do anything else that would make me think she’s woken up.

What I’m doing is so fucking wrong, but it is going to feel so fucking right for her. Wrapping my hands around the insides of her thighs, I gently guide her legs apart. Then, before she wakes up, I bury my face in her pussy.



She smells amazing.

I flatten my tongue to taste all of her, and I can’t hold back the moan that escapes my throat. I’ve never tasted anything like this before in my life. It’s magnificent. I swirl my tongue around her clit, then drive it back inside of her cunt.

There is nothing else for me. I am fucking done. This woman is going to have an addictive hold on me that will be like nothing else. Because even though I’m tasting her in this moment, at the same time, I can’t wait to do it again.


I’m havingthe weirdest and best dream of my entire life. I can’t even open my eyes because I don’t want it to be over. Lifting my hips, I let out a moan as the warmth spreads from my pussy to the rest of my body.

It’s amazing, beyond amazing.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything like this… ever.

I also don’t want to wake up. I want this to last forever and ever. Until the end of time. But when my belly tightens and my entire body seizes, my eyes open and I sit up, trying to catch my breath.

I look down. It feels like I peed myself, but when I see a man… a dark-haired man between my legs, I open my mouth to scream.

Ohmigod. Ohmigod. Ohmigod.

There is a man between my legs. His mouth was between my legs. For the first time in my entire life, a man had his mouth between my legs. A man I’ve never seen before. A stranger.


He lifts his hand, covering my mouth before my scream can escape my throat. “Shh,” he hisses. It’s too dark. I can’t see his face, just his dark hair and dark clothes. “I won’t hurt you, cupcake…”

His voice lingers like maybe he’s waiting to sayyet. But he doesn’t. When the single wordcupcakereaches my ears, it’s as if my body relaxes instantly. Inhaling deeply, I force myself to calm, and his scent washes over me.

I remember it.

I remember him.

He releases me, and when his lips curve up into a smile, I can see his white teeth, the whites of his eyes, and not much else. Slowly, he releases his hand from my mouth and stands from the end of the bed.

He’s tall. Much taller than me. I have a million questions, and yet none of them leave my mouth. But he is not at a loss for words. He clears his throat, lifting his hand to his mouth, and I watch as he wipes it across his face.

I wish I could see more than just the shadows of his body moving. I wish I could see his features better.