I’ve saved her asCupcakein my contacts, knowing that if anyone ever gets my phone, well, first of all, I will have to be dead. Secondly, they don’t need to know her real name. I’ll never put that in my phone or anywhere where someone who means me and my family harm could find it.


I’m not sure what I expect her to do, but it’s not what she actually does. I almost drop my binoculars when she begins to undress. She doesn’t look at me. She doesn’t know where I am, but she does focus her attention straight ahead, maybe even looking at her reflection in the glass of her windows, and that is hotter than if she were looking into my eyes.

When she’s completely naked, I watch as she slides her fingers between her legs. Holy fucking shit. I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited in my entire life. I’m not typically someone who gets excited about sex.

Don’t get me wrong. I love sex. But I’ve been doing this since I was fifteen, with paid professionals and with one-night stands. I’m not a relationship person like Coleman. I like a different flavor each time, and it’s not always out of excitement. It’s usually out of physical necessity.

This is different.

Parker is different.

My hand moves up and down on my cock, stroking myself to the rhythm her fingers create between her legs. I can see the way they’re moving, her hips thrusting forward as she closes her eyes and parts her lips.

Fuck me.

Goddamn, I wish I could fuck her right now. I would completely fucking consume her. I would own her, bruise her, choke her, fuck her, and ruin her for anyone else. When her eyes pop open, I know she’s come.

Only then do I let myself. Then, I type out a message for her. I’m not sure when I’m going to actually come to her. I need to rein in my control so I don’t kill her. I feel like I probably would if she were here with me right this minute.




Cleaning up, I shove my phone into my pocket and watch her until she gathers herself and goes to bed. I watch her a little longer until she falls asleep, then I watch for a few more moments before I leave and head to my own place.

I’m not sure when I will reveal myself. I’m having far too much fun this way. However, it’ll have to happen soon because my dick is starting to get raw as much as I’m whacking off lately. I’m not used to that shit at all.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I reach inside, tossing the binoculars down on the table beside me. It’s Coleman. Sliding my thumb across the screen, I let out a chuckle as I greet him. I know he’s probably good and piss drunk by now after that meeting with Shiloh and her father.

“Come over,” he demands.

“Why?” I ask.

“Because I don’t want to be alone.”

I almost make fun of him, but I decide I need to do that in person so he doesn’t get completely fucking butthurt. Clearing my throat, I tell him I’ll be there in just a few minutes. He snorts, telling me he’ll see me after I’m done perving on the girl. I would flip him off if he could see me.

Ending the call, I lift the binoculars to my eyes again and watch her for another moment. She’s already showered and in bed. She turns to her side, faces the window, lifts her hand, presses it to her lips, and blows me a kiss.

Fuck me. This girl is sweet as shit. I’m going to completely fuck her up and screw her over, and I can’t help myself. Smirking, I watch as she closes her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips, then she falls asleep.

Reluctantly, I leave the apartment and Parker behind.



Coleman is sittingin his home library, books surrounding him, a glass of whiskey in his hand, a frown on his face. Flopping down in the chair across from him, I reach over to the table next to him that has a glass and the decanter. Pouring myself a drink, I lean back in my seat and bring it to my lips.

“You are pissed off. What happened?”

“Pissed off?” he asks. “Not even close.”

Arching a brow, I take another sip of my drink and watch him for a long moment. He doesn’t elaborate, and I think about telling him to buck the fuck up and be a man, but I decide against it. He’s obviously going through something, and he called me here to help him with it or at least drink with him about it.